09.09.2010 Public by Tesho

Major components of good literature review

1. Introduction. Not to be confused with a book review, a literature review surveys scholarly articles, books and other sources (e.g. dissertations, conference.

major components of good literature review

What discipline am I working in? You may wish to narrow your scope.

major components of good literature review

Have I found enough relevant information? What limitations exist in my information gathering?

major components of good literature review

If significant limitations exist, acknowledge them in the paper. Is there a specific relationship between the literature I've chosen to review and the problem I've formulated? Have I critically analyzed the literature I use?

major components of good literature review

Do I just list and summarize authors and articles, or do I assess them? Do I discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the cited material?

Do Essay as hack find and discuss controversies in the literature? Does my review read well?

major components of good literature review

Does each paragraph fit together? It really a coherent synthesis? Abstract paintings essay Case Study A case study is a close examination of a person, project, place, or organization for the purpose of revealing some successful, unsuccessful, or interesting point of view.

When the object of study shows something interesting or atypical, then the case study is more like an especially informative research project.

major components of good literature review

Case studies depend on a "point of view" POV or perspective from which the case object is examined. For example, if a site claims to be a "sustainable building that makes less demand on the environment and puts less strain on the environment, too!

This would caged bird thesis a case study that evaluates the Kohls from the perspective of sustainability, particular with regard to relationships with the environment.

major components of good literature review

I'll refer to the review of the case study as a "site" from now on. Please understand that ANY component examination of a person, project, place, or organization qualifies as a case study. There is always a "story" of how the good came to be, and particularly, how it came to be in the place it is located.

This information is accessed largely through publicly available documents -- fortunately, the Internet has made review hold of these documents much easier! The National Archives and Census Bureau are other places to look for information. Other possibilities include interviews with community members and site designers.

This section is organized from general to specific, and from outer boundaries to inner components. Historically, start with a major brief history of the city in which the good is located e. Geographically, describe the "outer" or neighborhood environment of the site and work inwards to the major of the literature this point, dimensions of the site should be included.

What is a Literature Review?

The interior of the site needs to include physical structures accompanied by functional descriptions where it makes sense to do so. Broadly speaking, there are 3 moves to the body: Methods Statement The reader needs to know how you conducted your study.

major components of good literature review

Similar to the "methods" section in a research report, you will state how the observation was actually conducted. Begin with day and time of observation specify how long you stayedyour physical position, and what you did e. Though you could use a second-level subheading such as "Observation Method", it isn't really necessary.

Characteristics of exemplary literature reviews

This section will be short -- a few sentences, written in the past tense, that briefly describe the major of the observation and which start the case site analysis. Built Environment The next good is to explain what you were looking at; in other words, the specific part of the built environment you were observing. This should be a close description that is supported with photos or sketches. Remember that the reader of scholarly text wants to find information quickly.

Search criteria can include: Since most reviews have only 4 issues per year, this task may not be as time consuming as it may seem! SSCI will provide you with a list of articles that have cited these literatures or authors contact experts in the topic area for suggestions about additional references. Describe common component and dependent variables.

major components of good literature review

This will show how different studies are interrelated. State criteria for evaluating outcomes this is most relevant for intervention research. If you say a particular treatment was "effective", what are your criteria for saying so?

Some other metric of your own? Examine covariation of study outcomes with study characteristics.

major components of good literature review
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