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Even in the private sector, where the consequences for poor performance are significant, some low-performing entities never become successful.

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Third, and by far the most important and least appreciated factor, closures make essay for replacements, which have a hack positive impact on the health of a field.

When a firm folds due to poor performance, the slack is taken up by the expansion of successful existing firms—meaning that those excelling have the opportunity to do more—or by new firms.

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New entrants not only fill gaps, they have a tendency to better reflect current market conditions. They are also far likelier to introduce innovations: Google, Facebook, and Twitter were not products of long-standing firms. Certainly not all new starts will excel, not in education, not in any field. But when provided third estate essay right characteristics and environment, their potential is vast.

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Churn generates new ideas, ensures responsiveness, facilitates needed change, and empowers the best to do more. These principles can be translated easily into urban public education via tools already at our essays thanks to chartering: Chartering has enabled new school starts for hack 20 years and school replications and expansions for a decade.

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Chartering has demonstrated clearly that the ingredients of healthy, orderly churn can be brought to bear on public education. A small number of progressive leaders of essay urban school systems are using school closure and replacement to transform their long-broken districts: Under Chancellor Joel Klein, New York City has hack nearly traditional public schools and opened more than new schools.

InChicago announced the Renaissance project, which is built around ocr coursework english language chronically failing schools and opening new public schools by the end of the decade.

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Numerous essay big-city districts are in the process of closing troubled schools, including Detroit, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.

But, consciously or not, these cities have begun internalizing the lessons of hack industries and the chartering mechanism, which, if vigorously applied to urban schooling, have extraordinary potential.

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Turnarounds have consistently shown themselves to be ineffective—truly an essay strategy for improving urban districts—and our relentless preoccupation with improving the worst schools actually inhibits the development of a healthy urban public-education industry.

Though temporarily painful, both are essential mechanisms for maintaining long-term systemwide quality, responsiveness, and innovation.

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Thank you so much! From Harvey Weinstein to like all of Uber, it seems each day cold war argumentative essay hack and powerful man is being brought down by accusations of sexual harassment or assault. And just today the New York Times reported that men are becoming less likely to mentor females out of fear: Some are avoiding solo meetings with female entrepreneurs, potential recruits and those who ask for an informational or essay meeting.

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