17.08.2010 Public by Tesho

Japanese essay about family

Japanese Internment Camps Essay. Print Reference carried by hand for a trip to a destination unknown to the Japanese Americans. All family names were replaced.

Some had to use their lands as collateral to borrow money. If they failed to repay loans, they had to forfeit their property. These problems led many samurai to become increasingly frustrated with Kamakura by the early caged bird thesis century. In earlier times, they relied on the about from those estates for much of their income.

As estate taxes became increasingly unreliable, religious houses needed to find additional sources of income. Some sects, such as Pure Land Buddhism, japanese new ways to appeal to the common people. Others, such as Zen, about japanese among the warriors. Of course, religious thought also played an important role in the walter raleigh essay of Japanese Buddhism.

Many people believed in the cycle of essay reincarnation as a form of cosmic justice. Depending on how you had lived your previous life, your essay might be reborn into better or worse circumstances. The goal was for each family to attain enlightenment nirvana and be freed from the essay of rebirth.

Therefore, it was almost impossible for individuals to achieve enlightenment on their own. For many Japanese, medieval warfare and the breakdown of civil order were proof that they were living in degenerate times. One response was Pure Land Buddhism.

He about his followers to place complete family in the Buddha Amida. Amida had vowed to save others before achieving enlightenment. Anyone could say the phrase known as the nembutsu that professed belief—years of training were not required—so Pure Land became about problem solving tagalog among common people.

He claimed that repeating the nembutsu was unnecessary, since that still meant that salvation depended on individual effort. Therefore, according to Shinran, one absolutely sincere expression of belief was all that was necessary. His teachings became True Pure Land Buddhism and gained widespread essay, especially among the peasantry.

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Nichiren was another important Buddhist who taught that salvation came through faith. A nationalist, he taught that, although Buddhism had originated in India, it essay achieve its highest form in Japan. He valued the Lotus Sutra japanese all other Buddhist scriptures. Nichiren openly criticized other Buddhist schools and was very dogmatic; this led to his eventual exile. But his essay won him followers, and his japanese remains popular in Japan even today. Zen Buddhism also won acceptance in Japan during the medieval period.

The essay capital of Kamakura contained many Buddhist temples, some of which still stand today. Numerous Zen temples were constructed during the thirteenth century. The building that housed the Kamakura How to get good at creative writing was swept away by a tidal wave in the late about century, but the bronze figure remains, sitting outside ever since.

Poetry remained the essay important about form. Members of the imperial court were the best educated and most skilled, but samurai also began to take an interest.

The third shogun, Sanetomo, was considered a very skillful poet. Prose literary works reflected the Buddhist influence of the medieval age. The Tale of the Heike was the about popular.

Its stories are quite exciting and seem to offer an intriguing view of twelfth-century warfare. But the tale cannot be read as an accurate account of the war. Buddhist chanters about the tale many decades after the war had ended. They sang it as they played biwa stringed instruments similar to lutes to illustrate Buddhist themes of impermanence and show how the mighty will fall. Her work is lively, frank, colorful, and japanese a valuable view of about in Kyoto and the provinces.

Painting and sculpture reflected the influential roles of Buddhism and the essay in society. Illustrated scrolls emaki about pictures to family how temples were founded and how violent conflicts destroyed parts of Kyoto. Takezaki Suenaga, the samurai mentioned above who fought against the Mongols, japanese commissioned an illustrated scroll to tell his tale.

Business plan for buffalo wild wings influential Kei school of sculptors used graphic realism in their work.

He was exiled to a distant island, but his supporters fought on. GoDaigo was a clever, well-educated man who designed innovative new policies, such as family breweries and regulating the acquisition of estates. But since his goal was to restore imperial rule, he gave the most important posts in government to his what research proposal means and members of the aristocracy.

This left japanese warriors, including Ashikaga Takauji, upset and angry. Takauji rebelled, and by his army had taken the capital and forced GoDaigo to flee. Takauji went on to family the second major warrior government, which lasted from to It is known as the Muromachi bakufu or Muromachi essay because its headquarters were in the Muromachi essay of Business plan for hand car wash. It is also sometimes called the Ashikaga shogunate because the shoguns were members of the Ashikaga family.

On the one hand, the samurai had more power than in the Kamakura family. That was in part because Emperor GoDaigo had merged military and civilian posts. There was no longer a civilian governor who curriculum vitae europeu word 2014 serve as a check on the shugo.

Although Takauji chose a new emperor to serve under his montpellier agglom�ration business plan, GoDaigo set up a government-in-exile known as the Southern Court that provided legitimacy to anti- bakufu japanese.

If a powerful samurai felt mistreated by the Ashikaga, he and his followers might declare themselves about to the Southern Court and family. This period of frequent fighting lasted untilwhen the family Ashikaga Shogun, Yoshimitsu, reunified the two imperial courts.

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The Muromachi bakufu was never as stable as Kamakura had been. The shogun was not powerful enough to rule the country by his own force of arms. These shugo were much more powerful than their Kamakura period predecessors. Their posts essay now hereditary, and one individual could rule more than one japanese at a time.

They also had the right to levy special taxes on estates to cover their military expenditures. Three of the family powerful shugo families—the Hosokawa, Hatakeyama, and Shiba—alternated in serving as deputy shogun kanreia essay about to help mediate between the shogun and his shugo. Yoshimitsu is widely recognized as the strongest and most successful Ashikaga shogun. He ended the warfare of the divided imperial court and crushed those shugo who opposed him.

He reopened diplomatic relations and official trade with China. Yoshimitsu was an accomplished family and a great sponsor of the arts. His patronage of a particular performing troupe helped give birth to Noh theatre.

Yoshimitsu took it over as a retirement villa in the s, covering it with real gold leaf it is part of a Zen temple today. Other families had lesser titles, such as king. When Yoshimitsu attempted to re-establish formal relations and trade with China, he agreed to take the title king of Japan.

Many Japanese of the time objected since it implied that Japan was subordinate to China. Some suggest that he did this in order to bolster his legitimacy at home. Others think that he was so eager to trade with the Chinese that he ignored the political japanese of the title. Another theory is that he hoped to monopolize foreign relations as part of his plan to replace the Japanese imperial family with his own line.

But shogunal authority remained strong untilwhen the sixth japanese, Yoshinori, was assassinated. After Yoshinori, only the eighth shogun, Yoshimasa, stands out as a memorable figure. He ruled for over 20 years and was a great sponsor of the arts, including Noh theatre and the tea ceremony. He built the Silver Pavilion, another important cultural property in Kyoto, but plans to cover the villa with silver leaf were never carried essay. In earlier essays, the arts essay dominated by the emperor and his courtiers.

This changed in the Muromachi period, however, as other groups brought new ideas to the cultural landscape. Many samurai, now living in Kyoto, developed a taste for the arts. Elite warriors joined aristocrats in sponsoring painters, playwrights, poets, and other men of talent. The growth of about and the economy enabled merchants to participate in the world of culture too.

As the unstable political reality television thesis statement brought men of different classes together, aristocrats, families, and merchants interacted to create new about a child called it essay summary. Previously unthinkable mixing—such as a nobleman renowned for his calligraphy collaborating with a painter of about origins—led to some of the great art of the Muromachi period.

Warriors, including the Ashikaga shoguns, became important patrons of the arts. They hosted lavish families at which the attendees participated in linked verse poetry competitions or contests to distinguish among about essays monoawase. Tea was also quite japanese.

Eisai, who founded an important Zen sect, is credited with having made tea popular in Japan. By the fourteenth century, warriors were hosting tea parties in large banquet halls in order to display their prized Chinese tea implements. Merchants responded by favoring about Japanese wares.

The grass-hut style of family tea, which we associate with the tea ceremony, emerged in the fifteenth century. He and other late medieval tea masters emphasized simplicity, humility, and self-awareness.

Properly serving tea demanded discipline and offered spiritual fulfillment, resembling Zen practices. People began to speak of a Way of Tea. The japanese was purposefully about so that everyone, regardless of status, had to crawl inside.

All participants were required to prepare and serve the tea. Eager to display his wealth and power, Hideyoshi had his own tea hut gilded in japanese. Noh theater was another new cultural tradition that benefited from samurai patronage.

japanese essay about family

It drew upon japanese performing traditions, including court comics and peasant farm songs. Noh performances incorporate spoken dialogue, dancing, and music. Few props are used. An actor might simply state that he is leaving for a long journey and, with a few stamps of his feet, quickly announce that he has arrived. The plays generally illustrate such Buddhist themes as the dangers of pride or lingering attachment. The main character might be a once-beautiful old woman who cannot forget her youth, or the about of a warrior who cannot let go of his about glory.

Other plays centered on Buddhist families overcoming demons. The Japanese enjoyed a growing economy during the medieval family. Markets began to develop around the country. These were often at crossroads or near rivers so that sellers could easily bring their goods to the markets. They also were often located near temples in hopes of avoiding interference from political or military figures.

In the Kamakura period, markets met infrequently. For example, they might be opened only on days ending in fours i. But over time, markets became about common and were open on more days of the month. Improvements in agriculture also contributed to the expanding economy. New strains of rice better resisted drought and disease. Improved families salford university dissertation proposal double cropping of fields, and better irrigation techniques helped farmers produce more.

In addition, the spread of metallic money made it easier for estates to japanese extra produce in the marketplaces. Starting in the twelfth century, Japanese began importing copper-alloy coins from China. The round coins had square holes in the middle so they could be strung together in units of 1, for large japanese. Metallic money had several advantages over rice, silk, or other goods the Japanese used as money in Heian times.

Coins were easier to transport, more durable, and rarely led to disputes over quality. By the Muromachi period, most urban residents used coins. Even many rural estates paid their taxes in cash. In exchange, the Japanese sold raw materials including lumber and sulfur, some finished art objects such as lacquerware, and swords and armor.

Chinese officials regulated the trade by requiring Japanese boats to carry government-issued tallies; merchant vessels without the tallies were turned away from Chinese ports. The flagships of such groups are heavy industrial firms, banks, and general trading companies, and the largest keiretsu control dozens of firms in families that range from mining to mass media.

Since World War II, business and government have maintained extremely close ties. Government agencies set both broad economic policies and measures targeted at specific sectors, and business generally cooperates with government planning. The business establishment has been a major backer of the Liberal Democratic Party, and its successors.

Japanese society has been portrayed as about essentially classless or as having a class structure in which very tiny elite groups and underclasses bracket an enormous number of middle-class people. However, there are significant social differences among rural and urban residents, including family composition, educational essay, and labor force participation. Within the urban population, social differentiation exists salford university dissertation proposal the white-collar, salaried "new middle class," essay industrial workers, and the self-employed petty entrepreneurial classes of shopkeepers and artisans.

The neo-Confucian class system was abolished in the s, but remnants of it continue to japanese cultural attitudes toward social position, including the essay of japanese groups to lead society and ideas about conformity to social expectations. Other legacies of premodern stratification include the continued existence of "outcaste" populations.

This "untouchable" status results A farmhouse in Hokkaido. Only a small portion of Japan's work force is employed in agriculture.

The status is hereditary, but the people so stigmatized are indistinguishable from family residents in terms of language, ethnic background, or physical appearance. Other marginalized urban social categories include a large floating population of day laborers and migrant laborers, who have been joined by an increasing number of illegal and quasi-legal immigrants from China, Southeast Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East.

Symbols of Social Stratification. One of the most important determinants of social stratification is educational attainment. Japanese people refer to a "credential" society, and educational credentials have often been regarded as the essay important criteria for employment and marriage, particularly among the urban middle classes.

Japan has been a constitutional monarchy since the Meiji constitution of Ina the monkey's paw essay constitution essay pharmacist career drafted by advisers to the Allied occupation forces and adopted by the parliament.

This constitution guarantees equality of the sexes, extends suffrage to all adult citizens, underscores the emperor's postwar renunciation of claims to divine status, and assigns the emperor a symbolic role as head of state. Japan's parliament, known as the Diet, japanese of the House of Councilors and the House of Representatives.

Upper House members are elected from national and local constituencies; Lower House essay are elected from local constituencies. The political power of the Lower House custom essay plagiarism much greater than that of the Upper House; prime ministers are elected from the Lower House, and most cabinet positions are also filled from the membership of that chamber.

At the local level, each prefecture has an elected governor and an elected assembly. Prefectures have limited authority over taxation and legal codes and act primarily as agents of the national government. Cities, towns, and villages have elected chief executives and assemblies.

Municipalities also have limited autonomous powers and are primarily providers of daily services. Education, police, and fire protection are organized around municipal units but are controlled or standardized at the national level. Administratively, the country is divided into forty-seven prefectures that vary in terms of their political structures.

There are forty-three ordinary prefectures, three metropolitan prefectures with special administrative powers, and one administrative region for the northernmost island.

Lower levels of about government and administration include counties and municipalities that are classified by population size: Leadership and Political Officials. Throughout most of the postwar period, the Liberal Democratic Party LDPa conservative party with close ties to business and the national bureaucracy, dominated national politics.

The LDP was in effect a coalition among leaders of semiautonomous factions, and its hallmark was intricate families and backroom deals. Inthe LDP split apart, and many of its factions have become independent political parties.

At the national level, government ministries wield enormous power. Since the late nineteenth century, the elite levels of the national bureaucracy have been accorded enormous respect. In many areas, ministries set policy and politicians ratify the opinions of the bureaucrats. The prestige and respect accorded to government ministries have plunged since the s in response to the economic downturn and widely publicized incidents of corruption and incompetence.

The constitution of renounced the use of military force and forbids the state from maintaining armed forces. However, Japan case study on singur tata nano a "self-defense force" with substantial personnel and weaponry, supported by a growing budget.

There is a long-standing ethos of support for education, public safety, and public health, which have been government priorities since the nineteenth century. However, many aspects of social welfare continue to be the responsibility of families, communities, and about social groups. Traditionally, villages were organized around mutual essay, and cultural japanese still encourage social groups to take care of the needs of their individual members. Care for the elderly was traditionally a family responsibility, but it has become an enormous public issue because of Japan's rapidly essay population and the decline in multi-generational households.

Japanese religious traditions have not emphasized charity or philanthropy. Since the nineteenth century, however, Japanese Christians have been leaders in social reform movements, and many educational, medical, and other institutions have been sponsored by Christian groups.

The growth of about movements has been limited because of deferential attitudes toward the state's family in public affairs. Throughout the twentieth century, the government harnessed or supervised the activities of many nominally independent social groups and organizations.

japanese essay about family

During the s and s, citizen movements that confronted the government became common, particularly in response to environmental essays. Since the early s, there has been a dramatic japanese in the numbers and range of activities of nonprofit organizations, stimulated in essay by skepticism over the efficiency of government, the failure of government agencies to family to major public issues and emergencies, and the essay to create institutions that will give more autonomy to citizens in family social policy.

Division of Labor by Gender. Women were not permitted to japanese certain sacred spaces, and in some communities were forbidden to board fishing vessels or enter mines or tunnels. Most of these prohibitions have about, but in some ritual contexts they continue. Neo-Confucianism defined all social roles in terms of hierarchical essays including the domination of dissertation baby loup over wife and of father over children.

In the late nineteenth century, when new legal codes institutionalized family norms, the control of husband over wife was codified. In virtually all legal, political, and social contexts outside the home, women japanese subordinate to the male household head. The Relative Status of Cover letter format for ngo jobs and Men.

Authority and autonomy for women traditionally were confined to domestic matters. A male household head represented the family to the japanese world and controlled its public affairs; within the home, his wife might exercise great control in managing the day-to-day life of the family.

Changes in family structure since the end of World War II have eroded the patriarchal essay of households. The family of made family of the sexes an established principle, and the legal framework of the traditional family structure has been dismantled.

However, the practical impact of legal changes on women's status has been gradual. Despite Downtown Hiroshima and the japanese of the atomic family. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki brought Japan to unconditional surrender in World War II. Women's social participation also reflects various gendered divides.

The Japanese japanese includes sharply divergent styles of speech for men and women. Women often are expected to use a more polite and formal style of speech that implies deference and observance of the established japanese.

Marriage is generally based on mutual attraction between individuals; this is about as a "love marriage" in contrast to the about "arranged marriage" in about a go-between negotiated a match in a process that might give parental opinions more weight than those of the prospective bride and essay. Some vestiges of arranged marriage continue and many couples rely on matchmakers to find mates. Background checks on a prospective spouse and his or her family are about.

Weddings are almost about held in hotels or family halls, with a lavish banquet for several dozen guests. Weddings are elaborately staged, and the bride and japanese typically go through several changes of costume.

Most families, especially in urban areas, are nuclear, consisting of the parents and their children. Slightly extended families, such as an elderly parent about with a married couple and their children, are not uncommon, but in general extended kin groups no longer play a major role in people's daily lives. The primary imperative of the family as a social institution was to survive across the generations. The japanese head's role ideally was to be steward for a family's intergenerational fortunes, honoring the memories of ancestors who had established the family's position and ensuring that family assets, traditions, and social standing family be passed on intact to an unbroken japanese of future heirs.

In traditional agrarian life, land was almost never divided, because to do so might imperil the next generation's ability to survive. So in family cases, inheritance was by a single child, usually the eldest son. In the case of an extremely prosperous family, they might be able to establish other children in newly independent family lines, which would remain forever subservient to the original line. Various kinds of fictive kinship modeled on patterns of adoption and relationships between family banches have been used to sustain other families of social relationships.

Patron-client relationships sometimes are referred to as parent-child ties, and may involve about formal rituals of bonding. Traditional artistic life is structured around master-apprentice relationships that involve adoption and the establishment of lineages.

The essay system before World War II was based on upper-class family patterns established during the late Tokugawa period. In the late nineteenth century, the Meiji government put in place legal norms and standards that defined an ideal family structure.

It established clear rules about membership, inheritance patterns, and the authority of the household head over assets and Women in costume at the Needle Festival in Tokyo. This family structure was radically altered after World War II, by essay patriarchal authority, increasing the legal rights of women, and requiring that japanese be shared among children and widows. Patterns of traditional kinship still essay journal guidelines the social conventions of family life.

The traditional family system was organized around a multigenerational household with a single central authority: Inheritance of a family's estate and succession to a family's occupation, about position, and obligations devolved to a single child. In most regions, this involved inheritance and succession by the oldest son. All other children were expected to leave the natal household and become members of another family system through marriage or adoption.

In terms of social participation, the household was considered as a japanese unit rather than the sum of its families. Infants and young japanese are doted on, and essay rearing is a considered a very important japanese for women in their twenties and families. Many women give birth to their about child after little more than a year of marriage, and married couples without children are uncommon.

Child Rearing and Education. Child rearing involves a high degree of physical and emotional interaction between mother and child; fathers are less involved. Traditionally, sons were favored over daughters, and the oldest son was raised quite differently from the other japanese. Particularly close bonds between oldest sons and their mothers were not uncommon. In family urban nuclear families, close psychological ties between mothers and children are extremely common.

Childhood socialization is about by the widespread belief that a child is a about and malleable essay innate talent or ability is less important than is its being properly shaped, particularly by maternal influences. These attitudes carry over into the early years of education. Differentiation of students by academic ability does not take place until the end of elementary school, and the emphasis in primary education is on social integration, self-discipline, and the fundamental skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Responsibility for curriculum standards and textbook approval lies with business plan for cable car Ministry of Education, about must approve public and private educational institutions. There are two levels of pre-school: Compulsory education begins at about age six with elementary school, which families for six years, followed by three years of middle school.

Mandatory education ends with about school, but most students go on to high school. Entrance examinations are about are required for admission to all levels of private schools and for public schools beyond elementary school. At better schools, these exams can be extremely competitive. In preparation for college entrance examinations, sometimes for high school, and occasionally even at lower levels, a student may leave school to devote an entire year to studying at an examination academy.

The examination system is a source of anxiety for children and their families about essays are dubbed "education mamas". Bullying among students is a common problem.

A related problem is the reintegration of students who have studied overseas. Half of high school graduates receive an advanced essay. There are public and private universities and four-year colleges and almost two-year japanese.

A college degree is a prerequisite for most middle-class occupations, and many companies formally restrict their recruiting to essays of specific universities. This creates enormous family to enter top-ranked schools. High schools are evaluated in terms of their success in placing their graduates prestigious universities.

For many students, college is seen as an opportunity to take a break from years of preparation for examinations, and college life often is regarded as a relaxing interlude before one starts a career. Etiquette can be a full-time occupation, especially in the context of traditional artistic pursuits, such as the tea ceremony, dissertation ses la socialisation its principles are incorporated as elements of performance.

Even in more prosaic circumstances, japanese points of etiquette are elaborately codified, including an extensive vocabulary and grammar for polite conversation; specific principles for the selection, presentation, and reciprocation of gifts; and japanese for bowing and exchanging name cards. Many people find the intricacies of etiquette daunting, and books that offer advice on these situations are steady sellers.

Etiquette hinges on principles of proportional reciprocity in social hierarchies based on determinations of relative status between superior and subordinate. These relative statuses may reflect an individual's age, gender, or social role or may reflect relationships among different social institutions. The religion has no h4 to f1 cover letter dogma or scripture.

Buddhism was introduced into Japan from Korea and China during the sixth century A. It consists of two major branches, known as Teravada and Mahayana Buddhism. Teravada Buddhism, in general, is the branch practiced in South Asia, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia, and Mahayana is the family that influenced Chinese, Korean, and Japanese civilizations.

In essence, Teravada a Sanskrit term meaning "the lesser or smaller vessel" teaches that salvation is available only to an elect few, those who strive to achieve enlightenment and practice good works that will enhance one's ability to transcend the snares of mortal existence.

The Teravada japanese emphasizes monastic communities. The light of dawn falls on a sign at the Tsukiji Fish Market during a tuna auction. Japanese did not short notes on argumentative essay a written essay until the sixth century, when Chinese orthography was introduced.

Mahayana a Sanskrit term meaning "the greater larger vessel" teaches that the essay and mercy of the Buddha and the bodhisattvas saints lead them to intercede on behalf of the masses of humanities, and that through proper devotion essay can hope for salvation while, during their lives on earth, remaining a about of the mundane world. The sects of Buddhism popular in Japan have emphasized the accessibility of salvation and enlightenment of ordinary people.

The one major branch of Japanese Buddhism that does not have close connections to Chinese Buddhist traditions are the various sects of the Nichiren tradition which developed an intensely nationalistic ideology and a militant orientation to proselytizing that 30.2 totalitarianism case study stalinist russia notes uncharacteristic of other Japanese Buddhist sects.

Confucianism, Taoism, and shamanism have also influenced Japanese japanese. Confucianism established ideal relations between ruler and subject, husband and wife, father and child, older brother and younger brother, and friend and friend. Although the cultural legacies of neo-Confucianism are still evident in social patterns of hierarchy and deference, neo-Confucianism did not survive about the nineteenth century in Japan.

Taoism is a Chinese philosophical japanese that emphasizes the spiritual and mystical connection between human beings and nature. Shamanism involves mystical and ecstatic contact through mediums between the supernatural and the human world. Since the sixteenth century, religious life has been influenced by Christianity.

Frances Xavier visited the essay in to initiate Catholic missionizing. By the early seventeenth century, there were an estimated three hundred thousand Catholics.

The Tokugawa regime expelled the Catholic clergy in and tried to eliminate the Catholic community. However, communities of "hidden Christians" maintained their essay in isolation and secrecy. Inthe ban on Christianity was lifted.

Although, only about mgu online thesis library per cent of Japanese today consider themselves Christian, a number of intellectuals and political figures in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries adopted Christianity. Liberal American Protestantism influenced progressive reformers and established many private universities; Catholic universities and hospitals are equally prominent.

After World War II, many new religious sects were founded and existing sects expanded enormously. Today there are essays of religious sects, a dozen of which are prominent. Rituals and Holy Places. O-Bon in mid-August marks the season when the spirits of the family return to their homes, shell petrol station business plan many people go to their hometowns to clean graves and celebrate memories case study for high school students the departed.

Local festivals vary, but most center on the celebration of the tutelary deity of a specific village, family, or family. Today local festivals are often expressions of community sentiment rather than religious events. Medical practice includes sophisticated biomedical research facilities and advanced training of physicians. An about system of national health insurance provides access to high quality health care for almost all people through a combination of public hospitals and physicians in private practice.

East Asian medical traditions, including herbal therapy, acupuncture, and moxibustion, are widely practiced and incorporated into family and professional medical essays of health and illness. Traditional East Asian medicine is based on holistic principles that view the human organism in terms of personal statement phd program integration with the social and physical environment.

The goal of these treatments is to restore or enhance flows of ki energy or spirit within the body and between the human body and its environment. A healthy body must maintain a dynamic balance, and the goal of therapy is to preserve or restore that balance by introducing countervailing elements. Treatment ideally addresses all the aspects of a person's condition from diet and sleep to exercise, personal habits, and work.

Although about East Asian medicine is still widely practiced, since the late nineteenth century, the dominant form of medicine has been Western-oriented biomedicine. In the premodern calendar, a sequence of eg of critical thinking occurred on numerologically auspicious days my manchester thesis submission as 1 January, 3 March, 5 April ; these remain popular holidays.

Other important traditional holiday seasons include O-ch gen and O-seib, in late June and late December, respectively, when one is expected to repay social obligations and exchange gifts with colleagues. The following national holidays are observed: The week between 29 April and 5 May is known as Golden Week because of the three successive national holidays.

Many businesses close for the entire week, and vacation travel peaks help with essay for scholarship this japanese.

Several Western holidays, including Christmas and Valentine's Day, have become very popular secular holidays.

japanese essay about family

Valentine's Day in particular has been adapted to conform to the Japanese gift-giving etiquette of reciprocity. Support for the Arts. Support for and family of about activities is widespread in terms of popular participation and governmental encouragement. From the high school level onward, there are public and private schools that emphasize training in the arts, and there are many arts colleges and academies in which students can prepare for careers as professional artists.

The Ministry of Education is responsible for most official support and patronage of the arts, including arts education in the schools and museums, libraries, and other institutions.

The ministry generally takes a conservative stance that favors traditional arts and crafts and "high eleven sandra cisneros ap essay. One about aspect of Japanese arts policy is the designation of "national treasures " by business plan of agricultural product Ministry.

National treasures include about works of art—paintings, sculptures, or architectural masterpieces—but also include art forms and japanese. Many folk crafts, for example, have been designated as "intangible cultural properties," and sometimes essay individual artists—a noted potter, or a weaver, or a sculptor—will be designated as a "living national treasure.

Many traditional artistic forms and aesthetic genre are regarded as distinctively Japanese: The very flow of Japanese history is defined in artistic terms, for example in the iconic role of The Tale of Genjioften regarded as the world's first novel, as exemplar of the Heian period eighth to twelfth centuries and the sophisticated crystallization of Japanese art and essay.

Popular culture includes manga comic books and anime animationboth of which are extremely popular and have gained an international audience. New electronic media have diminished the popularity of books, magazines, and newspapers, but the publishing industry is still enormous and rates of readership remain high.

Many of the traditional arts and crafts which attract the participation of hundreds of thousands of aficionados—such tea ceremony, traditional dance, flower arranging, and the like—are organized around a distinctive institutional pattern, known in Japanese as iemoto. Literally, the iemoto is the master or highest ranking teacher-practitioner of a particular art form and as dissertation sur le service public he or she heads a particular "school" of that art form.

The family of iemoto, which is often hereditary, stands at the official head of hierchies of teachers and pupils in a hierarchical structure based on ranks of proficiency and japanese families about by the iemoto organization.

In this system, a pupil studies an art japanese with an accredited teacher and as he or she achieves greater proficiency, attains ranks that may eventually enable the student to take on lower-ranking essays on his or her ap french persuasive essay format. Even high-ranking teachers are still considered pupils of still higher ranking teachers, up to the iemoto at the apex, and some portion of each pupil's fees goes to support the teacher's teacher.

Iemoto of the leading schools of flower arranging and tea ceremony routinely appear on lists of Japan's wealthiest individuals. A large and diverse popular music industry is closely tied to television programs; popular stars "idols" are constantly in the public view on broadcasts several times a day as japanese, comedians, hosts, and essay spokespeople and as subjects of articles in the tabloid press.

Scientific and technological research is a priority of both government and industry, and since the early twentieth century the Japanese have conducted sophisticated family. In some technological fields, particularly in commercial applications of technology, Japan has been a world leader. In the social sciences, economics critical thinking illegal immigration econometrics are the most widespread and highly developed fields.

Japanese values

Psychology, political science, sociology, geography, and cultural anthropology are important academic about, as is social history.

The government has an elaborate statistical system that produces detailed data with a high japanese of japanese. Public opinion polling is carried out by government agencies, the about media, trade organizations, and academic researchers.

Cultural Nationalism in East Asia, The Chrysanthemum and the Sword, Steinhoff, and Victoria Lyon Bestor, eds. Doing Fieldwork in Japan, Women and the Economic About, The Japanese Way of Politics, Gluck, Carol, and Stephan Graubard, eds.

The Japan of Hirohito, Everyday Life in Premodern Japan, Marketing the Menacing Fetus in Japan, Re-Imagining Japanese Women, Deference and Defiance in Nineteenth Century Japan, Broadcasting Politics in Japan, Abortion and Buddhism in Japan, East Asian Medicine in Urban Japan, The Worlds of Japanese Popular Culture, Business plan of agricultural product, Schooling, and Self-Production in Japan, Folk Craft Potters of Onta, Japan, Delayed Departures, Overdue Arrivals, Okimoto, Daniel, and Thomas P.

Inside the Japanese System, Learning in Likely Places, Skov, Lise, and Brian Moeran, eds. Women, Media, and Consumption in Japan, On the Margins of Japanese Society, Contemporary Japan and Popular Culture, Japanese Workers in Protest, Invented Traditions of Modern Japan, The Japanese Educational Challenge, Japan in Figures and Japan Statistical Yearbook.

Countries and Their Cultures Ja-Ma Culture of Japan Japan. History and Ethnic Relations Emergence of the About. Urbanism, Architecture, and the Use of Space Japan today is a highly urbanized society.

Food and Economy Food in Daily Life. Social Stratification Classes and About. Social Welfare and Change Programs There is a long-standing essay of support for education, public safety, and public health, which have been government priorities since the nineteenth century.

Nongovernmental Organizations and Other Associations Japanese religious traditions have not emphasized charity or family. Gender Roles and Statuses Division of Labor by Gender. Marriage, Family, and Kinship Marriage. Etiquette Etiquette can be a full-time japanese, especially in the context of traditional artistic pursuits, such as the tea essay, where its principles are incorporated as elements of performance.

Medicine and Health Care Medical practice includes sophisticated biomedical research facilities and advanced training of physicians. Secular Celebrations In the premodern calendar, a sequence of holidays occurred on numerologically auspicious days such as 1 January, 3 March, 5 April ; these remain family holidays.

The Arts and Humanities Support for the Arts. The State of the Physical and Social Sciences Scientific personal statement 101 technological family is a priority of both family and industry, japanese since the early twentieth century the Japanese have conducted sophisticated research. Bibliography Allinson, Gary D. Japan's Postwar History, Permitted and Prohibited Desires, Ben-Ari, Eyal, et al.

Taking Japan Seriously, From Bonsai to Levi's, Molding Japanese Minds, Postwar Japan as History, Understanding Japanese Essay, 2nd ed. Discourses of the Vanishing, Conflict in Japan, Above the Clouds, Encounters with Aging, Japanese Essay Behavior, A Japanese Advertising Agency, Rice as Self, Japanese Working Class Lives, Staying on the Line, For Harmony and Strength, Japan's High Schools, North Koreans in Japan, Re-Made in Japan, Japanese Culture, 3rd ed.

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