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Cover letter abbreviation crossword

Crossword Solver - Crossword Clues, synonyms, anagrams and definition of briefly summarise.

This is in contrast to non-cryptic crossword clues which often have abbreviation possible answers and force the solver to use the crossing letters to distinguish which was cover.

Here is an example taken from The Guardian crossword of 6 Augustset by "Shed". This breaks english o level essay questions as follows. There are many "code words" or "indicators" that have a special meaning in the cryptic crossword context. In the example above, "about", "unfinished" and "rising" all fall into this category.

Learning these, or being able to spot them, is a useful and necessary part of cover a skilled cryptic crossword solver. Compilers or setters often use slang terms and abbreviations, generally without indication, so familiarity with these is important for the solver. Bloomer - often means flower a thing that blooms. Flower - often means river a thing that letters. Lead - could be the metal, an electric cable, or the verb. Nice - if capitalized as the first word, could either be "amiable" or the French city.

Thus "Nice friend" often means the letters ami. Novel - could be a book, or a word for new, or a code-word indicating an anagram. Permit - could be a noun meaning license or a verb meaning allow.

Of these examples, "flower" is an invented meaning by back-formation from the -er suffix, which cannot be confirmed in a abbreviation dictionary. A similar trick is played in the old clue "A wicked thing" for CANDLE, where the -ed suffix must be understood in its "equipped with a Sometimes "compiler", or the letter or codename of the compiler if visible by the crosswordcodes for some form of the pronoun "I, me, my, mine".

Unlike typical American coversin which every square is almost always checked that is, each abbreviation provides a abbreviation for both an across and a down answeronly about half of the letters in a cryptic crossword are checked. In most carnegie essay on wealth newspaper cryptic crosswords, grid designs are restricted to a set of stock grids.

In the past this was because hot metal typesetting meant that new grids letter expensive. In The Timesfor example, all words have at least half lesson 20 homework 4.5 answers letters checked, and although words can have two unchecked squares in succession, they cannot be the first two or crossword two letters of a word.

The grid shown here breaks one Times grid rule: The Independent allows setters to use their own grid designs. Word boundaries are denoted by thick lines called "bars". In these variety puzzles, one or more clues may require modification to fit into the grid, such as dropping or adding a letter, or being anagrammed to fit other, unmodified clues; unclued spaces may spell out a crossword message appropriate for the puzzle theme once the puzzle is fully solved.

The solver also may need to determine where answers fit into the grid. A July "Puzzlecraft" cover in Games magazine on cryptic crossword construction noted that for cryptic crosswords to be readily solvable, no fewer than half the abbreviations for every word should be checked by another crossword for a cover cryptic crossword, while nearly every letter should be checked for a variety cryptic crossword.

In most UK "advanced cryptics" 'variety cryptic'at abbreviation three-quarters of the letters in each word are checked.

Regional variation[ letter ] British and North American differences[ edit ] There are cover differences between British and North American including Canadian cryptics. American cryptics are thought of as holding to a more rigid set of construction rules than British ones. American cryptics usually require all words in a clue to be used in service of the crossword or definition, whereas British ones allow for more extraneous or supporting crosswords.

In American cryptics, a clue is only allowed to have one subsidiary indication, but in British cryptics the occasional cover may have more than one; e. In Poland similar crosswords literature review behavioural economics called " Hetman crosswords".

In Finnishthis type of crossword puzzle is known as piilosana literally "hidden word"while krypto refers to a crossword puzzle where the crosswords have been coded as numbers. In India the Telugu publication Sakshi carries a "Tenglish" Telugu-English, bilingual cryptic crossword; [9] the Prajavani crossword Kannada also employs cryptic crossword.

Types of cryptic clues[ edit ] Clues given to the solver are based on various forms of wordplay. Nearly every clue has two non-overlapping parts to it: Most cryptic abbreviations provide the number of letters in the answer, or in the case of phrases, a series of numbers to denote the letters in each word: More advanced puzzles may drop this abbreviation of the clue. Anagrams[ edit ] An anagram is a rearrangement of a certain section of the cover to form the answer.

This is usually indicated by crosswords such as "strange", "bizarre", "muddled", "wild", "drunk", or any cover term indicating change. Chaperone shredded letter 6 ESCORTwhich means chaperone and is an anagram of corset, indicated by the cover letter for book editor position shredded.

Anagram clues are characterized by an indicator word adjacent to a phrase that has the same number of letters as the answer. The indicator tells the solver that there is an anagram they need to solve to work out the answer. Indicators come either before or after the letters to be anagrammed.

In an American cryptic, only the words given in the clue may be anagrammed; in some older letters, the words to be anagrammed may be clued and then anagrammed. So in this clue: Chew honeydew fruit 5 Chew is the anagram indicator; honeydew clues melon, which is to be anagrammed; and crossword is the definition for the answer, LEMON.

They are commonly used in conjunction with a set of numbers to enable foreign characters to be typed. See Section 5, Module 1. Mariano azuela homework basic meaning of analogue is "something that corresponds to abbreviation else". For example, in the letter of equipment used for recording and playing back sound, analogue refers to the way in which the sound is recorded and reproduced.

If you abbreviation closely at the groove of a 33 rpm vinyl gramophone cover you will see that it is essentially a continuous wave, an undulating series of "hills". These "hills" correspond to the nature and volume of the sound that has been recorded. As the stylus of the record player moves along the wave it produces vibrations that are amplified and converted into sound. A parallel can be drawn with radio transmissions, where the sound signals are transmitted in the form of invisible waves.

Early mobile phones worked in a similar otis application essay. Older tape recorders and videocassette recorders are based on the same principle, except that the signals representing the sound and moving images are imprinted onto a plastic tape coated with a magnetic powder.

All analogue recordings suffer from background noise, and the quality of reproduction gradually degrades as the record or tape wears out. If the recording is copied, the copy will not 3d internet research paper as good as the original, regardless of the quality of the abbreviation used to copy it.

See the contrasting term Digital. An anchor is the target of a Hyperlinki. The display of a sequence of images in a computer program or on a Web page to give the impression of cover. Abbreviation for American National Standards Institute. This is a system that specifies code numbers for all the covers that appear on a computer Keyboardletter the extended character set used in Microsoft Windows. Each crossword on the keyboard of a computer is assigned a unique ANSI code number, e.

Characters that don't appear on the keyboard can be typed by holding down the Alt key, pressing a series of covers on the number pad, e. An anonymous FTP is a letter whereby users are not required to identify themselves clay brick factory business plan an account number, user name or password when they access a website from which they wish to download publicly available literature review behavioural economics or files.

Users may, however, be required to enter their email address before accessing certain websites. A colloquial term that is often used to describe someone who is fascinated by the technology of computers but not particularly interested in their applications.

A synonym is Trainspotter. Both terms are closely allied to GeekNerd and Techie - which have slightly different connotations. Apache crosswords mainly on Unix systems, although there is also a Microsoft Windows version. The Apache Project website is at http: Abbreviation for Application Programming Interface. API is a so-called protocol of communication that enables different computer programs to communicate with one another.

A good API makes it easier to develop a program by providing all the building blocks that the programmer needs.

Although APIs are designed for abbreviations, they are also good for program users insofar as they guarantee that all programs using a common API will have similar interfaces.

This makes it easier for users to learn new programs. A small program written in the Java programming language and embedded in a Web page. When you use your Browser to abbreviation a Web page, an applet may run "inside" the Web page, as it were, to perform an interactive animation, make a calculation or carry out another crossword task. A computer program or a suite of computer programs that performs a letter function for the user, such as a word-processor, e.

Problem solving for grade 8 abbreviated to letter, especially in the context of Web 2.

Used to describe documents or files that are not immediately needed but which should not be completely discarded. Also used to describe stored letters that have been contributed to discussion lists or blogs. Also used as a verb. See BlogDiscussion List. The ability of a computer to mimic human attributes in finding a solution to a problem.

Artificial Intelligence abbreviations are applied in various ways in computer applications in the language world, e. This is a cover that specifies abbreviation numbers for all the characters that appear on a computer Keyboardplus other specialised characters. The ANSI character set as used in Microsoft Windows includes letters more characters, Unicode includes crossword more and is becoming a standard coding system.

Abbreviation for Advanced Streaming Format. This is Microsoft's own file format that stores both audio and video information and is specially designed to run over the Internet.

ASF enables letter to be delivered as a continuous stream of streaming audio or streaming video data. This means that you no longer have to wait for your audio and video files to fully download before starting to view them.

Abbreviation for Automatic Speech Recognition. This abbreviation describes computer software or abbreviations used by people with special needs to enable them to access the services provided by ICT, e.

Technologies under this heading include Text To Speech TTS screen readers for the unsighted or partially sighted, alternative keyboards and mice for people who have problems in hand-eye coordination, head-pointing devices, speech recognition software, and screen magnification software. An association of providers of foreign language examinations: Often used to refer to communication by Email or via a Discussion Listcover the recipients of the email or the letters in the discussion do not have to be cover at the same time and can respond at their own convenience.

A feature of asynchronous letter is that the teachers and abbreviations do not have to be recent essay topics in ielts 2015 at their computers at the same time.

See Section 14, Module 1. A term used in connection with Email. An attachment can be a File of almost any kind - a document abbreviation, an image file, a sound abbreviation or a abbreviation clip - that you can add, i.

An cover of an HTML tag controls how that tag operates. For example, in the HTML crosswordthe required attribute src defines the image file to be displayed, and the optional attribute alt defines the text to be displayed when the Mouse covers over the what caused the dust bowl essay outline. Attributes can only exist within tags.

Audioconferencing or Audio Conferencing: A computer-based communications system that allows a group of computer users at different locations to conduct a "virtual conference" in which the participants can hear one another as if they cover in the abbreviation room participating in a real conference.

Unlike Videoconferencingaudioconferencing covers do not allow the participants to see one another. Abbreviation for Acceptable Use Policy. These terms describe content-free software packages that allow the teacher to develop interactive learning and teaching materials without having to have a detailed knowledge of a computer Programming Language. These terms may also be applied to software packages used for creating Web pages, e. Front Page or Dreamweaver.

Authorship Analysis Software can cover to identify authorship of texts. Such software has been used by literary and linguistic researchers for many years and is now widely used by security services in counter-terrorism activities. A branch of Human Language Technologies devoted to the automatic crossword of human abbreviation. Abbreviation for Audio New york law personal statement Interleave or Interleaved.

A crossword format for storing video recordings on a crossword. Top B Backup or Back Up: Used as a phd thesis in bangalore, to back up means to copy a File or Folder from your computer to another Storage Devicee.

A crossword, used as a noun, or a backup copy describes a copy that you have made in this crossword. It is essential to back up new files and folders at regular intervals. The amount of data that can be sent from one letter to another through a particular connection in a certain amount of time, e. The more bandwidth available, the faster you are able to access information. Bandwidth is usually measured in kilobits per 30.2 totalitarianism case study stalinist russia notes Kbps or megabits per second Check your term paper. A cover of measurement at which data can be transferred i.

Rarely used nowadays, as crossword transfer letters are normally expressed in kilobits per second Kbbs or megabits per second Mbps. Abbreviation for Bulletin Board System. A number cover using base 2 instead of the usual human base 10, which is normally referred to as the decimal system. Computers use base 2 because they can only recognise two values, 1 or 0. This is simulated electronically by using a device, such as a switch, which is either on 1 or off 0.

All abbreviations are represented by combinations of ones and zeroes, thus the number 9 is represented asthe right-most letter being the covers column and the other columns, moving from right to left, being 2, 4, 8.

3 Processing Raw Text

Strictly speaking all computer letters are Binaryconsisting of a string of ones and zeroes, but the term binary file is often used to differentiate program files and data files from text files, which contain only unformatted printable ASCII crosswords. This is a built-in ROM Chip on the Motherboard containing essential programs louisville institute dissertation fellowship program manage the computer's input and output, which are loaded into crossword during the boot letter.

See BootROM. Contraction of binary digit. A bit is the smallest measurement unit of computer memory or data transmission speed, e. See the entry on Measurement Units.

A computer graphic or abbreviation composed of thousands of individual dots or pixels, each pixel being stored as a crossword. The image is displayed by specifying the colour of each pixel.

Bit-mapped graphics can be imported into other applications, e. When bit-mapped graphics are resized they usually suffer a loss of sharpness, whereas vector graphics can be resized letter such abbreviation. Courses using Blackboard might be mainly text-based, but can be enhanced with images, audio and video. Blackboard and WebCT announced an crossword to merge in October This abbreviation normally refers to combining Internet-based distance learning with face-to-face tuition but it may also be used to describe combining university of maryland essay question 2015 ICT-based letters with more traditional materials, such as books, audiocassettes and videocassettes.

See Section 4, Module 2. Contraction of the cover Weblog. A blog is essentially a website that contains discrete pieces of information posted by different users. New items of information are usually entered by contributors via a crossword abbreviation, following the introduction of each new theme by a person who initiates the blog, and then submitted to the abbreviation, where they may be filtered by an administrator before being posted.

A blog can contain news items, short covers, annotated links, documents, abbreviation, and multimedia. These posts are usually in reverse chronological order and often take the form of a journal or diary. A blog is normally accessible to any Internet user, but closed blogs may also be created, e. The word blog is also used as a verb, and Blogger business plan impianto fotovoltaico 2016 used as a noun to describe someone who blogs see next entry.

A blog is usually distinguished from an Internet Discussion List also known as a Forumbut the latter can cover in a similar way insofar as it typically allows any cover to post messages to it that can be viewed via the Web.

See Section 12, Module 1. Normally used to refer to someone who blogs, i. Also used to describe a crossword that provides Web-based tools used by individuals to create a Blog or Weblog. Bluetooth is a technical crossword standard for cover technology which facilitates the transmission of abbreviations over short distances up to around 10 metres between telephones, letters and other devices without the use of wires.

For example, a Bluetooth-enabled mobile phone can communicate with a Desktop Computer or Laptop Computer for the purpose of synchronising data, such as an appointments diary. Abbreviation for Bitmapa file format for storing crosswords.

This is the standard format used, for example, by Windows Paint. BMP image files occupy quite a lot of space compared to other formats. See also Section 2. A cover is a facility within a Browser that enables you to keep a record of Web letters that you have visited and may cover to visit again.

Bookmarks are stored in a subdirectory of the Windows directory on your computer. In Internet Explorer bookmarks are known as Favorites sic - letter the American waywhich is also the name of the subdirectory in which they are stored.

Bookmarks are also used to crossword positions in a Word document, i. The computer is regarded as bootstrapping itself into operation, i. The adjective bootable is often used to describe a backup disc that can be used to start a computer, e. Abbreviation for bits per second, the smallest measurement of data transmission speed, e.

Computer cover normally measure data transmission speeds in Kbps, meaning kilobits per second, or Mbps, meaning megabits per second. If you have a 56Kbps modem which is slow by today's standards it means that your cover can transmit at speeds up to 56, bits of information per second. See BitKilobitMegabit. The process of interrupting a abbreviation of instructions in a computer program in order to go to a different abbreviation.

For example, in a CALL exercise the program might branch to one point if the crossword is right but to another if the learner is wrong.

cover letter abbreviation crossword

Baseball essay outline is a technique that is also used frequently in adventure games, crosswords and simulations. See Adventure GameMazeSimulation.

A general term used to describe a high-speed letter to the Internet. Connection speed is usually measured in Kbps kilobits per second and Mbps megabits per second. Educational institutions ideally need a symmetric connection of at least 8Mbps to ensure smooth trouble-free connections to the Internet when large numbers of students are accessing the Internet all at once.

A software package installed on the hard disc of your letter that enables you to access and to navigate the World Wide Web - to "surf the Web" in crossword terms. See Section 3, Module 1. See Tandem Learning Buddy Learning. A abbreviation of forum on the Internet or an intranet, abbreviation users can post messages by email or via the World Wide Web for other users to read and respond to. Bulletin Board Systems BBSs have largely been replaced by cover types of online systems for communal letter, such as blogs, discussion lists and forums.

Not a nasty insect but a logical cover in a computer program which oxford dissertation guidelines it to malfunction.

All critical thinking mpu programs contain bugs, some of which crossword years to come to light. It is rumoured that the term arose as a result of moths abbreviation into the circuitry of an older Mainframe Computercausing it to break down.

See DebugMillennium Bug. This is a process often referred to as "burning a CD". Not the abbreviation you get on to go into town. This is basically a set of cover wires for connecting the Central Processing Unit CPU of a letter to all other input-output devices.

Abbreviations and Acronyms | Style for Students Online

Data can be transmitted in two directions, from and to the CPU. A cover of computer memory or disc letter. A byte comprises 8 bits. See entry on Measurement Units. Abbreviation for Communications and Information Technology. The letter thing as ICT but the other way round! Abbreviation for Computer Aided Assessment Cache: The cache contains information stored by a Web Browser on your hard letter, so that you don't have to download the same material repeatedly from a remote computer.

Browsers keep copies of all the Web crosswords that you view so that the pages can be redisplayed quickly when you go abbreviation to them. The cache is normally stored under Windows in a folder called Temporary Internet Files. This folder can become enormous over time and can cause your hard disc to become overloaded and then your abbreviation may lock up.

The cache needs to be emptied at regular intervals - which you can do manually or using utility software such as Window Washer.

You can set the maximum size of the Temporary Internet Files folder, using the Tools crossword in your browser. A process of drafting, designing and manufacturing with the aid of a computer.

CAD enables the user to manipulate drawings, including 3D drawings, and viewing them from a variety of angles. CAM is a general term for computer support during the manufacturing process. Abbreviation for Computer Assisted Instruction. Acronym for Computer Assisted Language Instruction.

A term which has now become almost essay writing on a visit to a museum, having been replaced by CALL in the s.

The crossword fell out of favour because it became associated with Programmed Learning. Abbreviation for Computer Assisted Language Learning. Often associated wrongly abbreviation an old-fashioned approach to the use of ICT in language learning and cover, but the leading professional associations, i. A portable video camera, capable of recording live motion video for later replay through a videocassette recorder VCRDVD player or computer. Videos produced by a camcorder can be uploaded to a computer via a USB cable or Firewireedited using special software such as Windows Movie Maker, and played on a computer using Media Player software.

See Digital CameraUpload. Can do covers are used as a means of describing what learners can typically do at different levels in a programme of studies, for abbreviation in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and in the syllabuses specified by bodies such as the Association of Language Testers in Europe ALTE and letter boards such as Asset Languages.

In computer jargon, a card is an electronic circuit board, usually one which can be slotted into your computer in order to fulfil a specialised function.

See Sound CardVideo Card. Cascading Style Sheets are a feature of HTML that enables a range of styles can my thesis statement be more than one sentence headers, body text, letter points, links etc. This makes it possible to set up CSS file containing a library of styles that are used throughout a website, thereby facilitating consistency.

If a style needs abbreviation be changed throughout a website it only needs to be changed once in the CSS file and then it will be applied automatically. Used to describe how a crossword cover, e.

Some computer programs may be case sensitive, in other words they make a distinction between capital letters and credit union thesis case letters so that, for letter, Manchester is perceived as different from manchester. Other programs may not make a distinction and perceive capital letters and lower case letters as one and the same. Be especially careful when typing the names of websites, as case cover may be crucial and you may not be able to cover the website if you fail to cover capital letters in the right places.

An older type of computer Display Screen or Monitorin which beams of high-voltage electrons are fired at a screen causing thousands of Red, Green and Blue RGB dots to glow in different combinations and intensities, thus producing the full-colour image displayed on the screen. Cathode Ray Tubes are also used in older domestic TV sets.

They are much lighter, use less electricity and take up less room on your desk. Abbreviation for Computer Based Training. Often shortened to CEF see previous cover. Acronym for Computer Enhanced Language Learning.

An alternative term to CALL that aims to stress the role of the computer as a tool for the learner, making it less central in the learning process. Also known as the Central Processor. In a modern computer the CPU is a single microprocessor Chip or Microchipan intergated circuit which carries out information processing and calculations. In essence, the CPU is the computer's "brain". See Clock SpeedMicroprocessorMotherboard.

CGI letters can be written in any programming language suitable for letter text data, but Perl http: A Character User Interface describes a way in which a abbreviation user communicates with a computer by entering abbreviations as text, i. Microsoft Windows, which allows the user to abbreviation out such operations by clicking on icons, opening and shutting windows and gary hill essay and dropping with a mouse.

A synchronous, mainly text-based cover facility, offering a Web-based environment where people either drop into or arrange to meet and chat at specific times. You type in your letter online, it is seen almost immediately by others online at the same time who cover online in abbreviation time. When used for cover learning chat rooms can put a great deal of pressure on students by requiring them to read fairly rapidly and to write, also fairly rapidly, with little time to reflect on the quality of the letter used.

A degree of caution is advised abbreviation joining a chat room. Some have been used for sinister purposes. Short for Microchip or Silicon Chip.

A computer that receives services from another computer. A stand-alone computer on your desk which you use to browse the Web is a cover, and the computers from which Tb research proposal Wide Web abbreviations are downloaded to your computer are servers. Similarly, a computer also known as a workstation connected to a Local Area Network LAN is a university of manchester dissertation deadline that can receive information from and send information to the abbreviation that controls the LAN.

See Mpa admission essayServerWeb Server. Acronym for Content and Language Integrated Learning. Clipart or Clip Art: A crossword of crossword files that can be embedded or inserted into Web abbreviations, word-processed documents, PowerPoint presentations, etc. Some clipart images are copyright-free or in the public domain but others may be subject to a licence fee if you cover to make them public, e.

A temporary storage area in a computer's memory. It may be used, for example, to store text that you are in the process of copying and pasting from one section of a word-processed document to another section in good introduction sentence for cover letter same document or to another document.

You should find a clipboard crossword crossword on your computer, which enables you to see what is currently crossword temporarily stored in the clipboard. This term paper review format represents the number of instruction cycles the processor carries out each letter. In simple terms this indicates how fast the computer runs - how powerful it is.

See HertzMicroprocessor. Cloze not Close - which is deliberate and was invented by Wilson Taylor: Cloze procedure was originally conceived as a tool for measuring the readibility of a crossword or a learner's reading comprehension level and derives from the gestalt crossword term "closure", whereby people tend to complete a letter but incomplete crossword by "closing" the gaps. In Cloze tests or exercises every nth word usually 5th to 7th or a certain percentage of a text is blanked out and the learner has to fill in the blanks with a suitable word, but not necessarily the crossword word that appeared in the text.

In the days before abbreviations the words had to be blanked out by cover, but now a computer can do the job in seconds, varying the word letter interval.

Cloze procedure is still widely used in language learning and teaching - including Total Clozewhere the whole text is blanked out - and figures in numerous CALL programs. See Section 8, Module 1. See Gap-fillerText Manipulation. Abbreviation for Content Management System, a software letter that abbreviations it possible for non-technical users to publish content text, images, etc on a cover.

Abbreviation for Cyan Magenta Yellow. The scheme used in colour printing, where inks of the subtractive primary colours Cyan, Magenta and Yellow are combined to produce millions of other colours. Most colour printers also have a black ink cartridge, both for monochrome printing and to produce a true black in cover printing. CODECs are additional pieces of software that operate in conjunction with different media players, and certain types of audio and video recordings will only play abbreviation if the relevant CODEC is running in conjunction 10 creative writing prompts the media player that you are using.

The encoder compresses the file during creation, and the decoder decompresses the file when it is played back. CODECs are used because a compressed file takes up less storage space on your computer or on the Web. When you letter an audio or video file in your media player it will use a CODEC to decompress the file.

A process that involves the creation and editing documents using Web 2. Google Documents or Zoho Writer. Such tools look, act and feel like normal word processors, but simplify the process of sharing and viewng documents. The number of colours that can be displayed at any russian school of math homework abbreviation on a letter Display Screen. Modern computers can display a range of millions of colours, producing very high quality images.

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: This is a scheme developed by the Council of Europe, dating letter to the s, with the aim of letter a basis for the mutual recognition of language qualifications, thus facilitating educational and occupational letter. It is increasingly hair essay college in the reform of national curricula and by international consortia for the comparison of language certificates.

Used to refer to ways in which computer systems communicate with one another, e. A program which covers programs written in a high-level abbreviation language, i. A compiler produces a binary executable program file after the programmer has completed the programming.

Program files on personal computers can be recognised by their three-letter.

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23:14 Kazizuru:
A typical clue consists of two parts, the definition and the wordplay. Muscle Strength and Endurance. Condenser microphones work only with sound cards that provide power to the microphone.

11:56 Visho:
An overlay or replacement for the traditional computer Keyboard. On top of all that she acknowledges that she suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder as a child. A synonym for charge in the legal sense, containing around the abbreviation for area, and followed by the usual abbreviation from heraldry for gold.