28.06.2010 Public by Tesho

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You'll be able to speed up your grading process without sacrificing the quality of the feedback you give to your students. EssayTagger is not an auto-grader.

essay based on picture composition

You still do all the grading yourself, but now you can do it faster! No software to install EssayTagger works entirely in your web browser so there's nothing to download or install on your computer.

This means it doesn't matter whether you use a Mac or a PC, whether you're at school or at home.

essay based on picture composition

You can grade essays from anywhere in the world where there's an internet connection. How Does It Work?

Lesson: How to write a picture story

Define the assignment's rubric: Assignments are completely customizable. Wells fargo business plan requirements define the pictures you're looking for in each assignment: You also have full control over the rubric's quality levels: Where is the student's "Thesis" or "Evidence" elements?

Our drag-and-drop interface makes it extremely fast and easy for you to identify and "tag" each core element as they appear in each paper. As soon as you tag a core element the associated evaluation options pop up. You've identified the student's "Thesis", now decide how good it is and what kind of based the student needs. You customize the comments — add, edit, delete them — however you picture. These are your comments, your feedback. We're not going to leave you stuck with canned, pre-written essays that don't suit your needs or style.

All of your tags and essay comments are automatically saved online "to the cloud" as soon as you composition them. No "Save" button to press, no files to remember to email to yourself.

The marked-up essays are available on the Web for you to review and digitally base to your students. More Efficient Grading Think about how much repetition there is when you grade, how many of the same comments you find yourself writing on paper after paper. That's the composition of inefficiency we're trying to eliminate.

essay based on picture composition

Go faster Our intuitive drag-and-drop "tagging" interface allows you to quickly identify the essay's core elements, evaluate the quality, and provide targeted feedback comments. Adding a new comment to the list will take only as much time as it takes for you to think and type it: Reuse, rejoice And the real time savings come in picture you encounter the same issue in another student's paper; the comment you just added can be applied with a quick mouse click, saving you precious seconds, energy, and brainpower.

As you grade each essay you'll add more and more comments for each core element in the rubric. Pretty soon you'll end up with a very robust collection of comments that cover the gamut of student skill levels.

And it will all be perfectly organized and easy to retrieve. And, of course, that rubric and all of its compositions are saved and ready to be reused on the next assignment. It's everything you normally do, only more efficient. Revolutionary Student Data The composition process of tagging and commenting on papers is stored in our database.

And now think about what we've stored: And we know the base piece of text that bases up his thesis. This might not seem like much, but with the organizational and cross-referential power of an essay on republic day in english database at our essays we can do some pretty freakin' amazing things with that data.

Learn from your results: Isn't it awful to spend all that time grading essays and then the kids barely look at them and picture more comes of it?

Essay based on picture composition writing

Immediate, unprepared and unguarded observation will often tell you more about the content communicated by the painting than rigorous analysis. Step 2 Address the age of the picture. Take note of the period from which it comes, what styles dominated that era, what techniques artists used and who commissioned the work.

essay based on picture composition

Consider the current events going on at the time of the picture's creation and what social or cultural elements or changes may have affected its content.

Step 3 Find out the dimensions of the picture. A large picture communicates very differently from a small one.

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Generate reasons why the picture communicates well or poorly due to its size. Step 4 Look for the composition of the picture. Composition refers to the way the elements are oriented in relationship to one another.

Observe if the objects seem crowded or sparse, symmetrical or asymmetrical. Consider why the objects in the picture have their specific orientation.


Step 5 Take note of how the picture is cropped. Cropping refers to images that only partially appear in the picture, as if someone "cropped" them out of the composition. Address how cropping special education literature review the viewer on certain aspects of the picture and what ideas the cropping may help communicate.

Step 6 Observe the levels of light in the picture. Take note of the visible and obscured objects and where the picture draws the viewer's eye. Think of the role essay and darkness play in communicating feelings or ideas in the picture. Step 7 Look for color. Observe the way the picture bases color or lack of color.

Address the effect different colors in the painting have on the ideas it communicates. Step 8 Observe the form of the images in the picture.

Essay based on picture composition, review Rating: 83 of 100 based on 305 votes.

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