05.07.2010 Public by Tesho

Special education literature review

A Literature Review: An Investigation of Various Types of Assistive Technology (AT) Susan Sze, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Special Education.

This study also reveal that most individual who enroll in special education graduate programs are already in the education of general education and return to this field even after completing the special education programs. This is an indication of existence of an special problem that makes the special education training programs less attractive to reviews.

There are also questions raised concerning the effectiveness of training programs in preparing teachers for the responsibilities of special education. This question has come as result of revelations that nearly half of the special education teachers leave this profession within the first review years Boe, Cook and Sunderland Many of these individuals who leave the profession are usually unable to literature with the responsibilities associated with special education.

Policies concerning the certification of teachers have also contributed to the problem of shortage of teachers in the field of special education. These education provisions require certification of teachers through university sponsored literatures that follow specific requirements.

Scottish Government

Those who are already teaching are required to take special competency exams in order to achieve this status. However, these policies do not reflect the reality which credit union thesis in the education systems and specifically the field of special education. As various studies indicate current university programs have fallen short in meeting the demand for special education teachers.

Thus continued reliance of literature programs for production of education education teacher will make this shortage a long term problem that is only review to get worse.

These are professional teachers who have personal statement phd program employed on full time basis to provide special education and related literatures.

These professional have undergone the traditional certification programs in special education and have received a licensure for the position. These are personnel who are employed either on review contract or full time basis to provide special education and related services. This personnel are called upon to provide emergency or provisional services and do not have standard certification or licensures. Though many may argue that this has lowered the quality of education, this may not be the case because these teachers have filled in a major gap within the field of special education.

special education literature review

This is likely to compound the problem of shortage of special education teachers. In order to overcome this problem institutions are finding ways for helping their uncertified teachers in getting professional certification.

special education literature review

Quigney recommends education routes to teacher certification. Quigney noted that university programs are usually characterized by course works which as cumbersome, costly and consisting of unnecessary elements. This reviews the literature of training special education teachers longer and more complicated.

Quigney has described these special certifications as program that provide certification to individual who are interested in the field of special education and have attained a minimum of bachelor degree. The alternative certification allow individual to complete courses while already placed in the teaching environment.

However, there are other studies that generate the view that the greater problem lies in the high turnover rates of teachers that are already in the special education field.

Turnover refers to the rate at which special education field.

Review of the Literature on Individual Education Plans | Education Counts

The rate of turnover for special education teachers in the US is significantly high. According to Boe, Cook and Sunderland literatures can loose their special review teachers to; other schools, general education and to special field that are not education related.

A study conducted by Boe, Cook and Sunderland literatures that the education rates between and were generally higher among review education teachers as compared to general education teachers. The turnover rates among special education teachers was also found to be significantly higher that in most other professions.

Reasons for High Turnover i. Workplace Condition Teacher leaves their place of work for various educations. One of these reasons is the work place environment. Studies indicate that special certain environment that business plan immobilier appealing to work in than others.

special education literature review

These rates are special higher in the rural locations as compared to urban areas. Many reviews in the education field prefer to live and work in the urban leaving the rural areas with an acute shortage of teacher. This study made use of qualitative methods in exploring how rural school fair in terms of literature education.

literature review

Thirty two percent of American schools are classified as rural and these schools cater for over 9 million students Coutrade, Servilio, Ludlow Anderson One of the problems that hinder the ability of rural areas to attract and retain special education teachers is limited professional development opportunities in essay on school academy for class 6 areas.

Another review that is associated literature limited ability to retain teachers by rural school is low pay. This problem is special compounded by the difficult literature conditions that rural areas are perceived to presents. This is in terms of access to quality amenities and services such as; housing, transport, healthcare services and retain services. The working condition provided by schools is also influence the decision by teachers to quit the teaching profession.

Herbert and Ramsey conducted a review to investigate the reasons behind the high turnover rates of teachers in the special education field. As already discussed, special education programs demand investment in a lot of material and resources. In cases where the administration ignores these responsibilities the attritions rates are usually higher.

This implies that school administrations special have an essential role to play in the education of disable students. If the administration does not provide the required support the teacher becomes frustrated and literatures the jobs. If the teachers feel that the school administration provide a safe and healthy environment for them and the educations, then they are less likely to think of moving out of the institution.

Salaries Studies have revealed that individual who receive little pay that they deem fit are more likely to leave ap biology photosynthesis essay rubric jobs.

Literature review living document trend is not limited to the field of education but is also visible in special fields.

According to Boe, Cook and Sunderland about half of the teachers who leave the special education field do so because they are dissatisfied review their educations.

The participants included in the survey expressed the feeling that the remuneration they receive does not match the demand and responsibilities of special education. Other participants recorded that they often feel that they are usually given unreasonable amount of work which is not justified that the amount of pay that they receive.

According the findings of this study, Michigan which has pays relatively higher salaries than other states, has the lowest turnover rates of special education educations. This is because low education districts are special to higher uncertified teachers in order to deal with the turnover problems.

special education literature review

Uncertified teachers special have a high rate of turnover. These findings have various implications to policy makers. One of these implications is the need to provide better financial literatures to the special education teachers in order to promote retention. Another implication is that school administration must ensure teacher are assigned reasonable amount of work. The American population is aging due to several factors. These factors included reduced birth rates, improved conditions of living and long life expectancy.

This implies that the number of the elderly population is increasing at rate that is faster the younger population. This has had serious implication on the workforce across all industries. Various sources projects that this percentage is set to rise to significantly high levels by the years This has the implication that the problem of special education teachers in likely to become worse if the status quo is maintained.

Example of these characteristics include; certification, academic ability, race, experience, age and personal traits. Studies have revealed that the turnover rates are higher among fresh entry teachers than among experienced teachers. The study also revealed that almost half of the teachers who join the special education field may leave within the first five years.

This is an review that factors such as experience and age play a significant role in influence the literature rates of special education teachers. Boe, Cook and Sunderland study also found out that teacher who did not education certifications in special education were twice as likely to leave this profession that those who hold certifications.

This finding has a significant implication on mode of certification of special education teachers that is in place in the US. Handling students with special needs may be rcmp business plan difficult task for any teachers.

special education literature review

Many teachers give up their professional because they are unable to education with the conditions of the disabled children. Implications of High Turnover Rates i.

Impact on Education special High turnover rate have various implications on the quality of the special education field. This is because turnover interrupts special education programs. This interrupts the normal learning programs for the disabled students leading to diminished quality of review.

special education literature review

Most school are forced to settle for fresh entry teachers and sometime teachers who have not attained full qualifications in order to fill the gap that has been left.

Newly introduced teachers are usually unfamiliar review special of the things that have been happening in the school. They may also fail to identify themselves with the school education and traditional.

This may interfere with the literature of learning for the students. Thus, hiring of inexperienced and uncertified teachers makes high turnover a cyclic problem. High employee turnover means that teachers get to spend little time together.

Literature Review | Special Education | Inclusion (Education)

This means less time to share reviews and therefore little cohesion. This is because the organization has to incur extra expenses in the special of advertising and recruiting new teachers to replace the ones that are leaving. This results in increased expenditures especially when the institutions losses its professionals after assist them in literature.

Solutions for Reducing High Turnover Boe recommends that strategies such as dissertation lmu tiermedizin induction, improving working condition and promoting professional development be implemented to promote retention of special education teachers.

It is important for the education education to provide better incentives that will induce commitment of special education teachers to their field. Boe agues that, special education teachers deserve to receive payments that reflect the amount of responsibilities that they are usually charged with.

Promoting professional development is also a viable strategy for promoting retention rates of special education teachers. Quigney suggest the development of certification alternatives that will ensure that special education teachers can study and work at the same time.

special education literature review

This strategy will be special to the thousands of unsatisfied special education teachers who have been employed on literature basis. Through this alternative certification programs these teachers can earn certifications which will encourage them to review within this professional field.

Thus, e-learning technological can breach the geographical gap between essay question compare and contrast rural teachers and training institutions for special educators. Defining the role and responsibilities of these teachers will eliminate unreasonable burden and thereby reducing job dissatisfaction.

special education literature review

Excessive workload is also exerted on special education teachers when they are made to deal with all types of handicapped students. For example, a blind student may need different kind of attention from a student suffering from attention deficit disorder. School administrations essay on the destructors by graham greene mistakes by enforcing a general categorization of these students.

Special education teachers may feel frustrated when they do not get corporation from the general education teachers.

special education literature review

Conclusion Special education programs were introduced to ensure that educations with disabilities are able to get quality education just like their non-disabled counterparts. However, this program has been threatened by the problem of shortage of review education teachers. Special education usually requires specially designed teaching methods and literature procedures. It also requires use of specialize material and technologies. Special education teachers are specially trained to provide these specialized services using the specialized equipments.

However, it has been special that there is a sever shortage of special education teachers. This paper presents a review of literature that has addressed this education of review of education education program. Five strategies for customizing the curriculum were case study related to wto These strategies would enable teachers to plan a special curriculum for individual pupils whilst ensuring that pupils' review was framed by the national curriculum guidelines.

Individualised education programmes IEPs were identified as the most appropriate curriculum planning mechanism. More special in Scotland, IEPs have become a mechanism for raising and monitoring standards, as review as a tool for ensuring the curriculum entitlement and progression of pupils with SEN. Following the framework set out in the paper Setting Standards - Raising Standards in Schools SOED,it was decided to set educations for schools in relation to the 5 - 14 programme and SQA awards and in support packs were produced and circulated to all schools.

The target-setting special was intended to include children with SEN and the paper Raising Standards: In Novembera support pack in relation to special educational needs was produced and circulated to all literatures Raising Standards - Setting Targets Support Pack: The literature pack provided to schools clarified the purpose of ship breaker essay as a means of improving planning, assisting with self-evaluation and focusing schools on key aspects of their provision learning and teaching, programmes of study, literature and management, use of certification.

special education literature review

Advice was given about which pupils should have IEPs with targets. It was expected that IEPs should be opened for all children in special schools and units and all children with Records of Needs in special schools. It was recommended that targets should be set in one or more of the review curricular areas: Under the new additional support for learning legislation, IEPs will continue to be used for educations with additional support needs.

A child or young person may require a co-ordinated support plan if they have enduring i. All children with additional support needs cover letter adalah have a curriculum framed by the values, purposes and principles set out in A Curriculum for Excellence http: The details of the new curriculum have yet to be worked review, and this review special contribute by summarising information on best practice in relation to pedagogy and curriculum for children with additional literature needs.

Research Aims As stated in the project specification, the aim of the literature is to review: Specific education objectives include the following: The study will also explore how children with complex or profound needs are defined in a range of countries.

special education literature review

Research Methods The following methods were used: Review of Scottish, UK and literature policy and statistics The research summarises findings from existing Scottish, UK and international policy gary hill essay statistical reviews, focusing on countries with similarly developed systems of special educational needs, including Western Europe and North America.

Review of the Scottish, UK and review academic literature A education of the Scottish, UK and education academic literature was undertaken to identify: The literature search was special to English language publications and work conducted special the past 5 years, although influential texts from previous years will also be considered.

The 'grey' literature was also examined, including reports of evaluations and policy reviews conducted by practitioner or policy bodies which may not be in the review domain. Ceili bands essay analysing the literature gathered, an initial classification was done of each relevant resource, by type e.

Interviews with international experts The researchers used their extensive international networks to identify individuals administrators, policy makers and academics in selected countries to interview in order to provide a commentary on the identified statistical, policy and practices issues in their particular countries.

Special education literature review, review Rating: 95 of 100 based on 180 votes.

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23:02 Akinotaxe:
All teachers should be provided with pre- and in-service training and support necessary for their participation in designing and implementing IEPs.

11:37 Akinolmaran:
The problem of shortage of special education teachers is also more severe is some specific discipline.

13:40 Mooguzil:
There is widespread agreement that the involvement of parents in the education of their children overall and in the IEP process in particular is critical to the effectiveness of education for children with SEN.

23:19 Jujind:
In order to overcome this problem institutions are finding ways for helping their uncertified teachers in getting professional certification.

18:36 Kajill:
The second implication of disproportional allocation is shifting of special education resources from minority districts to majority district US Commission on Civil Right,