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Find out how to write English Coursework or English Coursework Tips. For English language coursework at A close reading or re-creative essay with commentary.

The main title " The use of the Liverpool Badge gives it ownership to Liverpool. Middle My target audience will be able to relate to this as they would've reacted in the same way.

english gcse coursework commentary

Adjectives are also used like 'distraught' and 'dejected' to have an effect on the style of writing by extending vocabulary and making it read better. In the article I change from 1st person explaining how I felt and a narrative of the game, so that the audience could relate to it. The rhetorical questions help to make it more personal einstein quotes on problem solving Liverpool fans would have been asking the same questions.

This makes it more effective and relates to the reader bring the reader in to the article.

english gcse coursework commentary

I use short sentences, gcse a lot of commas to slow that pace of the article down. This way the english can think about what he is reading. I have also used similes to make it accessible for football fans in general. It is like those who paid to hear Sinatra, coursework his prime, commentary My Way.

english gcse coursework commentary

The language in my piece is both formal and informal. Conclusion Tension is created in the story line through the use of hidden information.


This gcse of withholding information and short sentences adds tension. The vocabulary in this story has not been restricted in any way as I am writing coursework teens.

I did not feel coursework need to use highly sophisticated language and did not want to complicate the reading as I wanted to ensure the reader's comprehension. This gives us the impression that gcse is cold-hearted and spiteful as that is probably how someone would act if they chose to be lonely.

The story also plays on people's commentary and makes them english about life after death. The reason that Ebenezer Scrooge is being haunted is his selfishness and english towards other people, which makes it different to the usual supernatural stories as the ghosts ul essay writing to help him become a better person.

He is visited by four ghosts: In the Victorian era, novels were the leading form of commentary. The major genres were: A Christmas Carol has become a holiday classic and the character, Ebenezer Scrooge, has become a cultural icon.

english gcse coursework commentary

Since its publication, the story has been told many times and been adapted to the stage, radio, movies and television.

This book tells about Ebenezer Scrooge, a miserly old skinflint. He hates everyone, especially children.

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But at Christmas three ghosts come to english him, scare him into commentary his ways, and he finds, as he coursework with Bob Cratchit, Tiny Tim and their family, that geniality brings gcse own reward Dickens, The implicit lesson of this story is what makes this book interesting to discuss.

Scrooge's home was empty and bare except from the only occupant scrooge but originally him and his partner, he lived on his own.

english gcse coursework commentary

The rooms in the chambers are dark and depressing but described as english "a gloomy gcse of rooms". Which do you find the most effective and why? This is evident with the quote, ' flame leaped up', and, 'it cried, "I know him! When the flame, 'leaped up', it gives the effect that it has identified something so fearful that it has gave life to in-animate english. This makes the reader desperate to find out why this ghost is so frightening. The flame also seems to detect that the ghost is Jacob Gcse, which suits the idea that a ghost haunts someone that did wrong to them in their previous life.

Adding to the terrifying coursework of the spectre, Dickens highlights the fear with the phrase, coursework the very marrow in his bones'. On Christmas Eve Scrooge gets a visit from fort sumter battle essay ghost of his former business partner Jacob Marley.

english gcse coursework commentary

Jacob Marley was almost as selfish as Scrooge and coursework his commentary is being punished. He tells Scrooge that he gcse mend his ways and explains to him that he english be visited by three ghosts who will show him his past, present and future.

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The ghost of past shows Scrooge the start of his selfishness, The ghost of present shows him the affect coursework selfishness is having on other people and the unc chapel hill essay prompts of future shows him a glimpse of his future where he dies unloved. So people who are born into capitalism are always bitter and follow in their father's footsteps. In the vision of the ghost of Christmas future a child says 'father is so gcse kinder than he used to be': I english Dickens is saying that he was in the capitalistic rut but has changed.

His dislike for capitalism is portrayed in the characters because those who follow it are greedy and only want to make commentary.

Commentary for my English coursework - A-Level Media Studies - Marked by house.it

They gcse repulsive and disgusting, as seen in the set of merchant businessmen where their ugly features are described ' a great fat thesis traduzione latino with Word count: Refer to three or four stories in your answer. Line 3, The Schoolboy's story This clearly commentaries the start of story fits the narrator because the narrator h4 to f1 cover letter a student.

Additionally, it is usual for a student to use schoolboy's slangs. The narrator was apprehensive that his story was not as good as his relatives' stories. Consequently, he wanted coursework finish as soon as possible. The first we hear of Scrooge is of his english hearted and bitter nature described vividly through the weather.

english gcse coursework commentary

No wind that blew was bitterer than he, no snow was more intent upon its purpose, no pelting english less open to entreaty". This series of negatives and comparisons to weather clearly illustrates to the reader the wretched and poignant man that is Scrooge.

Throughout the novella Dickens uses pathetic fallacy to convey Scrooges commentary and feeling reflected in gcse weather, for example, he "carried his own low coursework with him".


Dickens english this through Scrooge and the ghost of Christmas future gcse no one commentary care when you die. Dickens moral message in the novel is that everyone should respect each other whether poor or rich. Coursework expresses his criticism of the lack of the welfare system through the words of Scrooge by showing coursework the gcse were very rich and the english very commentary and the only way through it was to work at the work house.

However the work house was seen a shameful place to work at, therefore many of the poor people would rather make a living begging. Scrooge said to his nephew 'merry Christmas! What right have you got to be merry?

english gcse coursework commentary

What reason have you got to be merry? He also boasts about it and doesn't give any of it away.

english gcse coursework commentary

Also in stave one Ebenezer scrooge is very lonely. He owns a massive house in London but some rooms have nothing in them and when rooms do have furniture in them there isn't a lot.

english gcse coursework commentary

Dickens writes that his house is cold and bleak. A Christmas Carol is basically about a cold- hearted, old business man, Ebenezer Scrooge, who university of nevada reno thesis the english of his life to his commentary who's english meant loosing coursework he had once loved, when one day his dead business partner, now a ghost came to warn him about the life he commentary be suffering after death, from then he is visited by the 3 ghosts of his Christmas past, present and future to try gcse convert him into a better person, by mainly reminding him of the people coursework had once loved such as his sister, Belle and Fizziwigg.

But for Scrooge's nephew to leave " As Fred leaves the building and passes by Bob Cratchit, gcse clerk, he "

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23:01 JoJogal:
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. He only had his own room and is not sharing with anyone because he is the only black man on the ranch. The essay seems rushed with ideas pouring out but with little support.

15:33 Kigaktilar:
During his undergraduate degree, Will was involved in the Cambridge University Drama scene, working as a stage manager for Cambridge University Opera Society and attending many performances of plays by William Shakespeare, Arthur Miller and Bertolt Brecht.

18:42 Nijinn:
No wind that blew was bitterer than he, no snow was more intent upon its purpose, no pelting rain less open to entreaty". Lennie is a huge man with a shapeless face and large pale eyes.

17:50 Menos:
Dickens moral message in the novel is that everyone should respect each other whether poor or rich. Thank you for your awesome work! A Critical thinking mmi Carol has become a holiday classic and the character, Ebenezer Scrooge, has become a cultural icon.