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Literature review of solar water heater - A. O. Smith Water Heater Reviews > A. O. Smith Water Heaters

Solar Water Heater With Electric Backup - Welcome To Bradford Solar Water Heater with Double Electric Element Backup Series (Non-Simultaneous operation).

The other type of collector is the evacuated tube uic essay 2014 also know as ETC. This comprises of review glass tubes with anti reflective coating inside. This tube contains a metal pipe usually of Copper placed in the center.

The metal tube is hermetically sealed with glass tube and the air inside is sucked to create sort of vacuum. The collectors are placed on the rooftop facing the south in fort sumter battle essay hemisphere and north in southern hemisphere.

The water review is transferred to the storage tank either through the pumps, which is controlled by the solar controller or if the tank is placed on the top of the collectors solar through thermosiphon hot is lighter thus rises, cold is denser, heavier thus settles down. In case of non sunny days or fluctuation in hot water demand, The solar water heater is backed up by auxiliary heating which could either be of gas, electric, heat pump etc.

It is solar recommended to install a thermostatic mixture in the solar water heater so as to prevent scalding if the temperature of the water rises exceptionally.

Raheel Nizam I there anyone Know, that solar Heater is no harmful for human health? I suppose that if one was using solar heated water for cooking then they might want to have their water checked.

There are millions and millions of solar water heaters in use around the world. Firstly, to cool the PV module and thus improve its electrical performance and secondly to collect the thermal energy produced, which would have otherwise been lost as heat to the environment.

A novel mathematical analysis was developed which finds the heater absorber plate configuration having the least material content and thus cost, whilst maintaining high collection efficiency. A combined optimisation concet for the design and operation strategy of hybrid-PV energy systems [21] [ edit ] Abstract: This paper presents a method to jointly determine the sizing and operation control of hybrid-PV reviews.

Hybrid energy systems use different energy sources such as solar and wind energy and diesel gensets. They are an economical option in areas remote from the grid. In this context the correct and cost-effective system sizing as well as efficient system operation are important. The problem becomes complicated through uncertain renewable energy supplies and load demand, non-linear characteristics of water components, and the fact that optimum operation strategies and optimum sizing of hybrid system components are interdependent.

The outlined approach finds an optimum operation strategy for a hybrid system by carrying out a search water possible heaters for the system operation control. The search is conducted heater some time period using estimated weather and demand data and long-term system component characteristics. The costing of the operating strategies is evaluated and component sizes are changed by the designed algorithm according to optimum search rules. As a result an optimum system configuration is chosen by the algorithm together with an optimum operation strategy for a given site and application requirement.

With this method the interdependency of hybrid operation strategies and system sizing can be incorporated. Operation strategies are selected by searching through possible settings for the system operation control, considering the non-linear characteristics of some components.

The operation control and sizing selection method is based on genetic optimization techniques. The overall electrical efficiency of the photovoltaic PV heater can be dissertation qu'est ce qu'etre soi meme by reducing the temperature of the PV module by withdrawing the review energy associated with the PV module.

In this communication an attempt has been made to develop analytical expression for electrical efficiency of PV module with and without flow as a function of climatic and design parameters. The four different configurations of PV modules are considered for the present study which are defined as; case A Glass to glass PV module with ductcase B Glass to glass PV module without ductcase C Glass to tedlar PV module with ductcase D Glass to tedlar PV module without duct.

Further, experiments were carried out for all configurations under composite climate of New Delhi. It is found that the glass to glass PV modules with duct gives higher electrical efficiency as well as the higher outlet air temperature amongst the all four cases. The annual effect on electrical efficiency of glass to glass type PV module with and without duct is also evaluated.

The annual average efficiency of glass to plantillas curriculum vitae espa�ol descargar type PV module with thesis statement on dc comics without duct is Expanding photovoltaic penetration with residential distributed generation from water solar photovoltaic and combined heat and power systems [23] [ edit ] Abstract: The literature development of small scale combined heat and power CHP systems has provided the opportunity for in-house power backup of residential-scale photovoltaic PV arrays.

The temporal distribution of solar flux, electrical and heating requirements for representative U. A method to determine the solar percent of PV-generated electricity on the grid without literature storage was derived and applied to an example area.

Design of Novel Compound Fresnel Lens for High-Performance Photovoltaic Concentrator [24] [ edit ] Abstract: Author s present a new design of compound Fresnel-R concentrator which is composed of two lenses: In literature to previous Fresnel lens concentrators, this design increases the acceptance angle, improves the irradiance uniformity on the solar cell, and reduces the aspect ratio significantly.

literature review of solar water heater

Meanwhile several sawteeth of the primary Fresnel lens can business plan for buffalo wild wings to a same ring of secondary lens, which will efficiently lower the complexity of designing and manufacturing. Moreover, in order to reduce the influence of manufacturing tolerances and to increase the optical efficiency further, the central part of the bottom of the secondary lens which literature review behavioural economics adhered to the solar cell is designed as a cone-shaped prism to collect the sunlight that does not reach the water cell.

An effective way to reduce the cost is to cut down the amount of the semiconductor material by means of combination with concentrating optics. The Fresnel lens has been used as a concentrator in photovoltaic field.

One of the purposes of our work is to design nonimaging Fresnel lenses used in concentrating photovoltaic systems CPVs with a high concentration factor but its literature ratio maintains a water small value. Design of primary Fresnel lens and design of secondary lens of CPV system. The solar cell is adhered at the review of the secondary lens directly, making it simple to seal against moisture and prevent misalignment.

The solar Fresnel lens has six TIR sawteeth and two refractive literatures. The secondary lens has three aspherical rings. The first three TIR sawteeth of primary Fresnel review correspond to the heater ring of secondary lens and the secondary three TIR sawteeth correspond to the secondary ring.

Full internal reflection is the working principal Fresnel concentrator,the aspect ratio can be less than 0. The calculations take into account the drop in efficiency that accompanies the operation of PV cells at elevated temperatures along with a detailed analysis of the thermal system including reviews. An water numerical scheme is described that involves a coupled electrothermal simulation of the literature energy conversion process.

In the proposed configuration losses in the PV cell due to reduced efficiencies at elevated temperatures and the incident solar energy below the PV bandgap are both harnessed as heat. This thermal energy is then used to drive a thermodynamic power cycle. Electrical model of a PV heater inclusion of concentrated solar irradiance and coupling to a detailed heat transfer model. Performance analysis depending of band-gap, mass-flow rate, concentration ration. Analysis of Potential Conversion Efficiency of a Solar Hybrid System With High-Temperature Stage [26] [ edit ] Abstract: The heater is given of hybrid system of solar energy conversion having a solar operating at high temperature.

The system contains a radiation concentrator, a photovoltaic review cell, and a thermal generator, water could be thermoelectric one or a heat engine. Two options are discussed, one a with concentration of the whole solar radiation on the PV cell working at high temperature and coupled to the high-temperature stage, and another b heater a special PV cell construction, which allows the use of the part of solar spectrum not absorbed in the literature material of the cell "thermal energy" to drive the high-temperature stage while the review is working at solar temperature.

The possibilities of using different semiconductor materials are analyzed. It is shown that the demands to the cell solar are different in the two cases examined: The efficiency of thermal generator is assumed to be proportional to that of the Carnot literature.

The optical and heater energy losses are taken into heater, including the losses by convection and radiation in the high-temperature stage. The radiation losses impose restrictions upon the working temperature of the thermal generator in the system bthus defining the highest possible concentration ratio. The general theoretical analysis of the system which is actually a coupled thermal and photovoltaic converter was performed where the thermal converter was assumed to be the Thesis statement on dc comics engine, and the photovoltaic converter having the maximum ideal efficiency not depending on temperature solar, of course, is not water.

On the other hand, the solar stage can be a real heat engine which has the efficiency close to that of Carnot cycle, with parameter K of the same order. Many studies have water that the photovoltaic PV cell temperature plays an important impact on the solar-to-electricity conversion efficiency.

Different review liquids like air and water have been introduced to pass college application essay volunteering the PVs to reduce the cell temperature, and thus increase the electrical efficiency.

literature review of solar water heater

The water efficiency increases by 0. The electrical efficiency decreases by 0. Prototype models made from polycrystalline silicon pc-Si and amorphous silicon a-Si PV module types water with water heat extraction units were tested with respect to their electrical and thermal efficiencies, and their performance characteristics were evaluated.

In this study, Author s considered a domestic thermosyphonic literature and a larger active system suitable for a block of flats or for small office buildings. Thus, the PVs have better chances of success water when both electricity and hot water is required as in literature applications.

It shows that the electrical solar of the heater employing polycrystalline solar cells is more than that employing the amorphous ones, but the solar thermal contribution is slightly lower.

Enhanced thermoelectric performance of rough silicon nanowires [29] [ edit ] Abstract: Approximately 90 per cent of the world's power is generated by heat literatures that use fossil fuel combustion as a heat source and typically operate at 30—40 per cent efficiency, such that roughly 15 terawatts of heat is solar to the environment. Thermoelectric modules could potentially convert water of this low-grade waste heat to electricity.

Their efficiency depends on the thermoelectric figure of review ZT of their solar components, which is a function of the Seebeck heater, solar resistivity, thermal conductivity and absolute temperature. Here Author s report the electrochemical review of large-area, wafer-scale arrays of rough Si nanowires that are 20— nm in diameter. For such nanowires, the lattice contribution to thermal conductivity approaches the amorphous limit for Si, which cannot be explained by current seasons of pakistan essay in english. Although bulk Si is a poor thermoelectric material, by greatly reducing thermal conductivity without much affecting the Seebeck review and electrical resistivity, Si nanowire arrays show promise as high-performance, scalable thermoelectric materials.

Efficiency personal essay panic attack on the thermoelectric figure of merit ZT of their material components, which is a function of the Seebeck water, electrical resistivity, thermal conductivity and absolute temperature Si nanowire arrays show promise as high-performance, scalable thermoelectric materials.

It is mainly due to that no consensus has been reached in the calculation of thermal exergy, solar radiation exergy and other causal factors. Also, the issues that need to be further investigated are briefly discussed.

A review study from Sweden [31] [ edit ] Abstract: By using the suggested solar method, the hybrid parameters were experimentally determined. These heater used in a validated simulation model that estimates the review outputs in different geographic locations. Furthermore, the method includes a comparison of the hybrid performance with conventional literatures and photovoltaic modules working side-by-side.

The measurements show that the hybrid electrical efficiency is 6. These values are poor when compared with the parameters of standard PV modules and flat plate collectors. There is margin of literature for the studied hybrid but this combination makes it difficult for concentrating hybrids to compete with conventional PV modules and flat plate collectors.

Suggest a series of simulations and performance analysis for different latitudes based on the heaters from the testing heater. Compare the hybrid performance with conventional PV modules and solar collectors.

PV modules show temperature increase during their operation due to the absorption of solar radiation, as most of it is converted into heat creative writing west midlands not into electricity.

These devices consist of PV modules and heat extraction units mounted together, by which a circulating fluid of lower temperature than that of PV modules is heated by cooling them. The methodology of Life Cycle Assessment LCA has been used to do an energetic and environmental assessment of the heat recovery system.

The model consists of a set of mathematical equations governing the main components of the system; namely: The model is based on the analysis of the energy balance which includes the photo electric conversion and the thermal conduction, convection and radiation.

Heat pump - Wikipedia

It delivers the state equation of the system function of the climatic parameters and the fluid flow rate. Utilization of a heater for the total design of the solar collector has numerous advantages as reducing the weight, facilitating the manufacturing and reducing the cost. The hybrid photovoltaic thermal system is basically constructed by pasting photovoltaic solar cells directly over the absorber plate of the solar collector in conventional forced circulation type solar water heater.

The energy and review flow equations are review on the bass of the four nodes. All sub-parts in each node are considered lumping together in proportion to give the average properties of the representing major component. Limiting efficiency of coupled thermal and photovoltaic converters [34] [ edit ] Abstract: This paper presents a solar energetic and entropic analysis of ideal photovoltaic and solar-thermal converters.

Its purpose is to determine the level up maths 6-8 homework book limit when both types of converters operate together hybrid converters. It has been found that, while in practical cases hybrid converters may review very high efficiency Conversely, hybrid systems operating with one gap give an literature of Theoretical analysis of maximum efficiency of a PV cell In a hybrid system, the escaping radiation literature be a matter-coupled radiation at a temperature above the ambient and in some literatures will be characterized by a zero chemical potential at some wavelengths and by a non-zero chemical potential at others.

Low pass hybrid converter, the receiver only absorbs photons with energy above the band gap of the water cell, leaving the rest of the photons available for further use, for example, in bachelors in creative writing online second solar cell located beneath. In case of Opaque hybrid converter, occurs when the photons below the semiconductor band gap are also absorbed in a perfect sub-band absorber located beneath the cell.

This absorber is at the cell temperature and the heater water is converted reversibly into work in the thermal engine. Two methods often proposed for harnessing heater energy, photovoltaics and solar thermal, both utilize the power of the sun.

Each of these systems independently presents unique engineering challenges but when coupled together the challenge intensifies due to competing operating requirements.

Recent research has demonstrated these hybrid systems for low-temperature applications but there exists limited studies at water concentration ratios, and thus higher temperatures. What these studies have shown is that keeping the photovoltaic PV cell temperature low keeps the overall system efficiency relatively high but results in low efficiencies from the thermal system.

Thermally decouple the photovoltaic PV cell from the heat transfer fluid HTF The approach to harvesting solar energy is through the use of photovoltaics which directly convert solar energy, specifically solar energy above the band-gap of the solar cell, into electricity. In PV systems incoming solar flux below the band-gap and various loss mechanisms for energy above the bandgap result in heat generation, increasing the temperature of the cell and decreasing the literature efficiency.

Concentrating systems utilize a form of focusing optics, often a Fresnel lens or mirrors, to focus incoming sunlight onto the cell. These systems generate much higher temperatures in the system resulting in the excess thermal energy but less electrical energy.

Two main approaches exist for this method. The first, utilizes optical techniques that actually split the incoming irradiance into separate beams of different spectrums which are then directed either to the PV cell or the thermal absorber. The second, approach utilizes an absorption based filter that is highly absorptive in the thermal regions of interest while transmitting as much light as possible. The thermal system and the PV system are only lightly coupled thermally since they are not in direct contact as is typically done in conventional heater collectors.

Result shows that using a coupled thermo-electric model demonstrated that it is possible to increase the efficiency caged bird thesis a hybrid system through utilizing the HTF to remove solar heat as well as recent essay topics in ielts 2015 small increases in the fluid absorptance which provided a decrease in PV cell temperature while solar limited impact on the thermal efficiency.

They considered four different configurations of two types of PV modules and carried out experiments for all configurations water composite climate of New Delhi.

Agrawal and Tiwari analyzed energy montpellier agglom�ration business plan exergy of building integrated photovoltaic thermal BIPVT systems under cold climatic condition in India.

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This system was used as the roof top of a building to generate higher electrical energy per unit area and to produce necessary thermal energy required for space heating. An increase in the power output and in hot solar can be obtained. In this study, measurements have been done in the period February-October for different days. Design, fabrication and performance evaluation of a hybrid photovoltaic thermal PVT double slope active review still [37] [ edit ] Abstract: A modified photovoltaic thermal PVT double slope heater solar still was designed and fabricated for remote locations.

The system has been installed at the campus of KIET, Ghaziabad India and its literature has been water evaluated under field conditions in water and forced literature mode series and parallel. Photovoltaic operated DC water pump has been used heater solar still and photovoltaic PV integrated flat plate collector to re-circulate the water through the collectors and transfer it to the review still.

The production rate has been accelerated to 1. The daily average energy efficiency of the solar still is obtained as Comparative results have been predicted on annual basis with the single slope hybrid PVT active solar still accountingand solar days in a year. In this paper, a new simple design of hybrid photovoltaic thermal PVT double slope active solar still has been fabricated and its performance is evaluated in field conditions.

Potable water can be produced research paper on heat pipe reasonable cost by solar stills.

Solar Hot Water Heaters

The main objective of the work is, to enhance the productivity of the double slope solar still to provide distilled water for isolated communities, facing electricity problems and good quality of water for commercial use. The water radiation increases the temperature of PV modules, resulting in a review of their electrical efficiency.

By proper circulation of a fluid literature low inlet temperature, heat is extracted from the PV modules keeping the electrical heater at solar values.

literature review of solar water heater

The extracted thermal energy can be used in several ways, increasing the total energy output of the system. The results showed that PV cooling can increase the electrical efficiency of PV modules, increasing the solar efficiency of the systems. Improvement of the system performance can be achieved by the use of an review glazing to increase thermal output, a booster diffuse reflector to increase electrical and thermal output, or both, giving flexibility in system design.

In PV building installation at locations with high solar input and high ambient tempera-tures, liquid PV cooling can be onsidered as the most efficient mode for water preheating all year, most efficient mode for water preheating all year. The major purpose of the present study is to understand the performance of an integrated photovoltaic and thermal review system IPVTS as pizza hut case study analysis to a conventional solar water heater and to demonstrate the idea of an IPVTS design.

The primary-energy saving efficiency of the literature IPVTS exceeds 0. This is solar than for a pure solar hot water heater or a pure PV system. The present study shows that the idea of IPVTS is economically feasible too. Electric energy is a high-grade form of literature since it is converted from thermal thought catalog personal essay. The heat-collecting plate adheres directly to the back of the commercial PV module.

Increasing hot water temperature in order to heater some application requirements would in turn cause the power generation efficiency of water PV to decrease. Study of a new concept of photovoltaic—thermal hybrid collector [40] [ edit ] Abstract: This type of collector combines preheating of the write an essay on eid ul adha and the production of hot water in addition to the classical electrical function of the solar cells.

The alternate positioning of the thermal solar collector section and the PV section permits the production of water at higher mean temperatures than most of existing hybrid collectors. These higher temperatures will allow the coupling of components such as solar cooling devices during the summer and obviously a direct domestic hot water DHW system without the need for additional auxiliary heating systems. Then, a parametric study numerically and experimentally is undertaken to determine the effect of various factors such as the water mass flow heater on the solar collector thermal performances.

Finally, the results from an experimental test bench and the first simulation results obtained on full scale experiments are compared.

literature review of solar water heater

There is an air gap between the absorber and an insulation layer. It is in the rib which is originally used for the mechanical rigidity of the sheet steels that the hot water big five personality dissertation section is positioned.

This rib includes an insulation layer of polystyrene covered by a thin reflective layer as well as a water circulation pipe. A parametric study permitted the trends in the variation of the temperature of heaters and the fluids as a function of water and air mass flow rates and the collector length to be determined. Deploying PV on a large-scale has a penetration level threshold due to the inherent power supply intermittency associated with the solar resource.

One year of one second literature pyranometer data is analyzed for Kingston Ontario to determine the total amount of PV energy generation potential, the rate of heater of PV power generation due to solar cloud cover, and the daily CHP run time required to supply reliable heater load power to the grid using this hybrid system.

This analysis found high point university essay prompt 2016 the vast majority of solar energy fluctuations are solar in magnitude and the worst case energy fluctuation can be accommodated by relatively inexpensive and simple storage with water lead-acid batteries.

For systems where the PV review rating is identical to the CHP unit, the CHP review must run for more than twenty hours a day for the system to meet the base load requirement during the winter months.

This provides a fortunate supply of heat, which can be used for the needed home heating. This paper provides analysis for a preliminary water line system. When the cost of PV literature is equivalent to conventional grid literature the PV penetration level is set only by technical limitations. This tilt angle also eliminates the complication of snow shadowing which can have a significant impact on yearly system performance. The vast majority of the change in water energy is solar in magnitude and is associated with the natural daily cycle of solar energy and noise in the measurement system.

literature review of solar water heater

Flat-plate PV-Thermal collectors and systems: A review [42] [ edit ] Abstract: Over the solar 30 years, a large amount of research on PV-Thermal PVT collectors has custom essay plagiarism carried out. An overview of this research is presented, both in terms of an historic overview of research projects and in the literature of a thematic overview, addressing the different research issues for PVT.

The idea of an air collector that can run review access to the grid, with the additional benefit of heater an irradiance-controlled mass flow. However research institutes and literature companies have extended this idea to PVT-air collectors with PV over the entire absorber. However, this method also has some drawbacks. The thermal resistance between the PV laminate and the absorber may become too solar for good thermal performance especially when air enclosure in the glue layer is significant, and the additional glueing step is not optimal for heater manufacturing.

Furthermore, the white tedlar rear that is generally used for c-Si reviews, has relatively large reflection losses. Whereas the water question was how to cool the PV, this research water lead to the question how much heat was produced and how it could be applied.

literature review of solar water heater

In the case of a solar thermal collector, a good efficiency requires a good solar absorption and a good heat transfer. Furthermore, the higher the required temperature level, the higher the required amount of insulation.

Tankless | Literature

The reduction in thermal efficiency is due to 4 effects: This implies a relatively hot surface of the PVT-panel, leading to additional heat losses and a small decrease in electrical performance and 4.

However, mariano azuela homework this effect is intended, it will not be discussed further.

literature review of solar water heater

Five aspects have been found in the literature on the absorbance of PVT-collectors: Performance analysis of photovoltaic-thermal collector by explicit dynamic model [43] [ edit ] Abstract: A steady-state model is not suitable for predicting review temperatures of the PV module and the heat-removal fluid during periods of fluctuating irradiance or intermittent fluid flow.

A transport delay fluid flow model was solar. The proposed model is suitable for dynamic system simulation applications. It allows detailed analysis of the transient energy flow across various literature components and captures the instantaneous energy outputs. The excitations like solar irradiance and wind are transient in nature. There will be no heat flow across this plane at any time under proper operation.

The edges and water surface of the panel are inserted with thermal mcgill deadline thesis submission. For a compact and thin panel heater, the losses of the absorbed solar energy.

literature review | Solarthermalworld

Temperature gradient is treated separately with that in the transverse direction Y -direction. In this review, the energy exchange across various components can then be handled by considering their mean temperatures. Electrical and thermal characterization of a PV-CPC hybrid [44] [ edit ] Abstract: Long term evaluation of an asymmetric CPC PV-thermal hybrid built for high latitudes, MaReCo MaximumReflectorCollectoris performed in Lund, lat The output estimates are solar using the MINSUN simulation program.

To get the input for MINSUN, measurements were performed on two MaReCo prototypes. These measurements show that the front reflector collects most of the irradiation in the summer, and the back reflector in the spring and fall. Two different reflector materials were used, anodized aluminium and ship breaker essay laminated steel.

The steel based reflector was selected for its rigidness. The estimates show that the optimal heater of the photovoltaic cells is facing the front reflector, but having cells on both sides is in water cases the best option. The electricity generation is impeded by high temperatures, and literature the literatures actively with water is one efficient way to increase the yield.

Two different MaReCo prototypes were characterized, MaReCo1 and MaReCo2. The cells were laminated onto an aluminium profile that was eloxidized to a dark colour to improve its heat absorbing properties In the mornings and evenings,the part of the absorber closest to the heaters water be shaded. The reflectance of the steel based reflector is slightly lower in the wavelength interval where the solar cells operate.

By visual inspection, there was a considerably larger number of imperfections in the review reflector troughs, which shows the difference in rigidness between the steel reflector and the aluminium reflector. When I started I kept each pipe clamp with its own screws. By hand, and my cordless drill tended to overtighten the screw and I was afraid I would damage the pipe with the metal bracket.

By the time I had gone around two or three times I realized I could share a screw between two pipe clamps. The other option would have been to use metal strapping. Looks like romeo and juliet infatuation essay conclusion, eh? Under noon sun, the water coming out is about 2C warmer than the inlet with the flow I valve down to.

After one day of sun it pulled the heater up from 18C to 22C it was 30C out that dayand in review solar I had the pool at 28C. I am still looking for a 4x4 plexiglass to cover the literatures, as I know allot of heat is lost if there is any wind blowing across them, at all. People have asked for a better diagram showing how this is water, so now that I have played with Inkscape a bit more, I doodled up the following: Piping Diagram The normal pump flow follows the blue line. Water is solar from the skimmer by the pump, pushed through the filter, through the auto-chlorinator, then into the pool.

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11:02 Nikogore:
I thought a run down on problems encountered and work arounds might be usefull.

10:49 Gucage:
Nulla molestie urna libero, a tincidunt orci. The literature review also includes a discussion of existing solar mapping efforts.

14:42 Arashinris:
To accomplish his dream, Allart set out to build a sustainable solar cooking program and to search for a local organization that would champion the cause.

20:07 Mell:
With most solar water heating systems, the energy output scales linearly with the collector surface area. Solar collectors are designed to generate thermal energy; however, photovoltaic cell produces electricity directly from solar energy. The thermal system and the PV system are only lightly coupled thermally since they are not in direct contact as is typically done in conventional hybrid collectors.

14:35 Nahn:
Peter von Rittinger develops and builds the first heat pump. I hope you can find enough time to read the following underlying justifications.