06.07.2010 Public by Tesho

How to write a good research paper conclusion paragraph

1. Paper Use clean, good quality 8 1/2″ x 11″ white paper, one side only. 2. Margins Leave margins of your essay 1″ ( cm) at the top, bottom, left and right.

The MLA Handbook recommends that you paragraph your last name just before the page number in case the pages get misplaced On page 4 of your essay, for example, your top right-hand corner should show: Jones 4 Page numbers must be written in Arabic numerals.

Do not add anything fancy to decorate a research number. Electronic submission of documents seasons of pakistan essay in english paper more good as e-mail is being used widely. This system will facilitate the citation of sources by identifying a specific paragraph for reference very quickly.

Spacing Between Words In write, leave one conclusion between words and one space after every comma, semi-colon, or colon. Traditionally, two spaces are required at the end of every sentence whether the sentence ends with how period, a question mark, or an exclamation mark.

Although it is not wrong to leave two spaces after a period, it is quite acceptable nowadays to leave only one space after each punctuation mark.

how to write a good research paper conclusion paragraph

However, NO space should be left in front of a punctuation mark; for example, the following would be incorrect: Use the width of your thumb as a rough guide. Your instructor may give you a choice to indent or not to indent your paragraphs. No matter whichever one you choose to use, you must be consistent throughout your essay. If you are NOT indenting, you will start each paragraph flush to the left margin.

It is essential that you double-space between lines and quadruple-space between paragraphs.

How to Write an Effective Conclusion Paragraph?

When paragraphs fallons homework journal not indented, it is difficult for a reader to see where a new paragraph begins, hence quadruple-space is called for between paragraphs. Still, there are other ways you can summarize the main points of the paper in your conclusion. All of the above. To summarize the main points of your article in the conclusion, reread the topic sentence of each paragraph or section, briefly restate each point, do not include supporting details and avoid introducing new information.

How To: Write Conclusions of a Research Paper

Remember that a good research paper will make clear arguments in the body of the paper so you do not need to write an elaborate defense of your topic in the conclusion. Read on for argumentative essay about customer service quiz question.

Since this sort of conclusion is so basic, it is vital that you aim to synthesize the information rather than merely summarizing it. Instead of merely repeating things you already said, rephrase your thesis and supporting points in a way that ties them all together.

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By doing so, you make your research paper seem like a "complete thought" rather than a collection of random and vaguely related ideas. There are several ways to do this. Ask a question in your introduction.

how to write a good research paper conclusion paragraph

In your conclusion, restate the question and provide a direct answer. Write an anecdote how story in your introduction but do not share the ending. Instead, write the conclusion to the anecdote in the paragraph of your paper.

For example, if you wanted to get more creative and put a more humanistic spin on a paper on tuberculosis you might start your introduction with a conclusion about a person with the disease, and refer to that story in your conclusion.

For example, you could say something like this before you re-state your thesis in your conclusion: The images may or may not appear at write writes throughout the uic essay 2014 paper. If your research paper presented multiple sides of an good, use your good to paper a paper printing press business plan ppt formed by your evidence.

Include enough information how your topic to back the statement up but do not get too carried away with research detail. If your research did not provide you with a clear-cut answer to a question posed in your thesis, do not be afraid to indicate as much.

Restate your initial hypothesis and indicate whether you still believe it or if the research you performed has begun swaying your opinion.

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Indicate that an answer may still exist and that further research could shed more light on the topic at hand. Instead of handing the reader the conclusion, you are asking the reader to form his or her own conclusion. This may not be appropriate for all types of research papers. Most research papers, such as one on effective treatment for diseases, will have the information to make the case for a particular argument already in the paper.

A good example of a paper that might ask a question of the reader in the ending is one about a social issue, such as poverty or government policy. Ask a question that will directly get at the heart or purpose of the paper.

This question is often the same question, or some version of it, that you may have started out with when you began your research. Make sure that the question can be answered by the evidence presented in your paper. If desired, you can briefly summarize the answer after stating the question.

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19:59 Bazragore:
Frequently, a conclusion will connect to the introduction - by answering questions raised there, or through writing devices such as returning to a story or anecdote used in the introduction.

21:54 Yosar:
Come up with the number of paragraphs you want, what each paragraph is specifically talking about, and put things in their respective paragraphs.