26.08.2010 Public by Tesho

Short essay our country pakistan - Essay Writing UAE- Best Essay Writing Service in Dubai

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Either it is a food or a dress code, Pakistani culture is of its supreme quality. If we travel around the country, we could easily find the conventional values. Pakistani traditional food is famous throughout the world.

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For example, Balochi saggi, Peshawari kabab and Sindhi Biryani etc. Punjab is the heart of cultural values. Central Punjab is a hub for traditional food. In Pakistani culture, there are clear signs of Indian culture that is why it is known as Indo-Pak culture.

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Particularly Pakistani weddings are the reflection of Indian culture. There are many historical places in Pakistan which depict the traditons of Mughal era. Many religious traditions are the part of Pakistani culture, for instance, the annual ceremonies on the tombs, which are again the influence of Indian culture.

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Lots of pakistan festivals are the part of this colorful culture, one of them is the spring festival which is short on a wide scale when all the cities are decorated with flowers and different flower exhibitions are promoted specially in these days.

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